USM-IV CSS 06/13/19 COPY Flashcards
Become a USM-IV!
Tell us how your background and experience best qualifies you for the USM position.
I currently manage both the WCG and the WCRU with 2 Supervisors and 1 Management Analyst
- I am responsible for the process maps for each program we have along with Customer Journey maps
- I report out and am responsible for customer activicty for data collecting and Customer Connect Activity and Process plans
- I have interviewed dozens of potential CSRs
Previous to my current job, I managed the Field Services group, which had 4 CF Supers, 3 Senior CFR, & 65 Commercial Field Reps.
- In my time as the USM for Field Services I: moved forward on disciplining an employee, interviewed 20 potential CFRs,
- Oversaw data management program for employee performance and fleet management software for Field Operations.
- I attended all FS safety meetings and spoken at each one, worked with the Union to extend and relocate Article 33 employees.
Before field services I managed all of the WC programs as Supervisor & services budget of $40M/Yr. for 8 years. During that time the pop of L.A. had increased by 200,000 people but L.A.’s overall usage went down by 19%. My group was responsible for the installation of 1.5M WC devices and projects for CIIMF SF customers which decreased L.A. water usage by over 50 bpy allowing us to meet all of the goals set forth by the Mayor & Governor
As water conservation supervisor for 8 years
- Directed all reporting of water conservation goals, savings numbers, and customer participation
- I supervised a group of 8 people
- Dozens of presentations to (Board)
- extensive Budget experienc w/WC for the past 8 years
As water conservation supervisor for 8 years
- As a Lead USS I was the Department’s Webmaster Designed web pages and uploaded web content on a daily basis
- Contract management – $18M/yr.
- As new USS I provided network administration and computer I.T. help for 35 employees
Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences
- Supervisorial certification (12 classes) - Silver, Bronze, Gold
EEO Question - how do you ensure that your staff understands EEO?
Ensure all EEO Policies are adhered to; supers career development. Model proper behavior.
- Supervisors unders EEO policies, procedures, resources
- Emploee decisions based solely on job-related skills
- Make sure no Discrimination takes place, no hazing, bullying, sexual harassment, horseplay, retaliation.
- Disseminate EEO information
- As an employee you must refrain from acts that may be reasonably interpreted as violations of this policy.
- Zero Tolerance Policy
- EEO violations include sexual harassment, discrimination on the basis of race, sexual origin, ancestry, religion, gender, age marital status, medical condition or disability limitations
- You should respect individual differences among LADWP employees and LADWP customers.
- You have a responsibility to notify your immediate supervisor if you are a victim, or witness to any behavior deemed to be unacceptable in the workplace environment.
- Diversity group demonst properly-applied EEO principals. Wk well together, respect 1 another, apprec different sk sets diverse brings.
Name the following projects you worked on:
- Required you to understand the DWP inner workings
- Demonstrated your ability to effectively manage a major project and direct a team while addressing opposing views from internal and/or external sources.
- Most challenging
- TAP by 5Xs in 3 FYs
DWP Organization Question – tell us about a project you worked on that required you to understand the DWP inner workings.
made major changes to in-house program with management and LADWP Board approval, in 3.5 months. 2 1/2 years later we rebated more than 24,000 Premium High efficiency toilets for a savings of close to 300 million gpy.
- Large institutional customer
- vendor install 4,000 high efficiency toilets and get paid directly.
- not allow
- immediate response.
- existing in-house program
Cost effectiveness barrier
- 0.8 gpf /1.28
Bureacratic barrier
- WC Board Hierarchy
Budget barrier:
- budget underachieving move
- Leads, boss write resolution
- Board’s calendar approved.
- 4,415 Premium High Efficiency toilets, then installed 20,000
Cost effectiveness barrier
What is the most challenging project you have worked on?
> 5X’s from average of 6 projects to 30. met goal increased projects to 53 in 3 years and savings went from 30 MGY to over 100 MGY.
Found more training
- First, I developed immediately implemented
- Second staff and PA start a TAP marketing program.
- Third, I directed staff aggressively pursue projects personal outreach
- Premier Account Execs offer free audits
- Vendors great resource
- my staff greater responsibility increased job satisfaction.
Describe ur most relevant work experience best demonstrating ur ability to effectively manage major project & direct team while addressing opposing views from internal and/or external sources.
developed new com landscape incentive program while addressing opposing views from internal and external sources 3 ½ months.
- lower Commercial rebates,
- Strong opposition vendors, commercial customers
- more water is used on com turf than res. justify new program.
- staff “Commercial/Industrial Drought Resistant Landscape Incentive Program” Board-approved fully implemented 3 ½ mnths
- opposing forces seemed satisfied quickly took advantage
- 1st FY of the program over 1.2M sq ft of turf replacement
Name the successful work habits for a manager.
- Listen management, employees, and customers
- role model
- Blow Team’s Horn, Own
- Focus Team’s Strengths
- passion for self-improvement.
- Lead
- Understand budgeting
- creative program designer
- Delegate work Supervisors
- Appraise Supervisor performance
As a manager how would you handle a Sexual Harassment complaint?
- prompt action
- neutral fact finder
- Check personnel
- Document
- good faith determination
Department’s Policy
- Prohibit all forms harassment
- Protect retaliation
- Explain avenues of complaints
- Train law
- confidentiality
- prompt appropriate corrective action
Deliberate or unwanted sexual advances, request sexual favorsverbal or physical contactsexual nature when made :
- Condition employment or employment decisions
- Interferes work performance
What is the Department’s ADA Policy?
- Examine existing work situation
- Done this several times
Employee wanted to come back disability: I, along with admin determined he/she could meet the essential functions of his classification: Had reasonable accomodation mtg. - Interactive process. Employee allowed to come back because of reasonable accomodation.
- restrictions interfere task
- How soon task completed
- budget available resources
- specific or measurable goal
- skills knowledge required
- use opportunity develop employee
- specific responsibilitiestransferred
- successful ongoing communication
- Feedback sessions
What are the seven tests of Just Cause for discipline?
- Did immed super give notice
- Is it reasonable? unacceptable behavior related to orderly, efficient run business; employer reasonalbly expect this performance
- was investigation done?
- Fair investigation
- proof: substantial evidence gathered
- equal treatment with other employees
- penalty equal to the unsatisfactory behavior?
What is the M-M-B act and what does it do?
What ocurred to strenthen Union/Management bond?
The Meyers-Milias-Brown Act - Granted municipal employees right to have Labor Unions and bargain contracts.
1995 LADWP had FSP (Focused Separation Program) to downsize. As result stronger relationship with IBEW ensued. Formed JLMC Joint Labor Management Committees-identify common problems and uses joint efforts to resolve them.
How would you implement constructive discipline?
- Oral counseling-not severe-private-immmediate responsibility for counseling,warning,disipl is super
- 2-Min challenge
- State (objective terms), Wait, Remind, Specific plan from employee, Agree together -future difficulties alert
- 2-Min challenge
- Oral warning - if could lead to disipline ask employee for representation
- confidential memorandum higher management
- primary goal is to correct the behavior
- meet privately-explain behavior problem - future consequences
- document, document, document
- expected future consequences
- Recognition discipline corrected. Recognize regular employees
- Considering disipline
- get employee’s facts
- conduct interaction interviews
- Department policies general standards of conduct.
- Uniformity disiplinary actions.
- Guide disciplinary Standards
- appropriate MOU
- Skelly (predisicipline) discharge, disiplin
- Review written documentation-
- Interview other employees, citizens, or customers
- review performance standards
- Discuss employee in private w or w/o representation
- Management Notification: confidential memorandum higher management ,
- private; supervisor documents
- NTCD is written notice to employee on Dept letterhead
- show documents on which disciplinary action is based
- Serve Employee orally or writing
- management signs NTCD to show approval
- (ERO) makes decision continue processing for dis or sus
What must good Managers be able to do well?
1. decisions - good
2. communicate well one or with groups
3. motivate train Supervisors, non-Supervisors
4. Delegate work
5. appraise Supervisor performance
6. work with specialists
7. Understand budgeting
9. creative program designer
As a manager how do I make effective decisions?
1.Arrive together at decision
2.Previous to decision making:
- Define criteria for success all parties
- Develop a concrete proposal
- involve divergent view people
- Combine the best elements of each to come up with a true decision
How does a manager delegate responsibility to others?
- Effective managers practice ownership
- Focus on results, not methods.
- These are the results we want, how are we going to get there?
- Delegate tasks which will build on employee’s current capabilities.
- Major tasks, team members write understanding of the task and results.
- Must follow-up with team members.
How does a manager hold Supervisors accountable?
1.Hold himself or herself accountable.
2.Agree on clear results.
3.Hold whole team Supervisors or single Supervisor responsible
4.willing to go for a solution that is better than what either has come up with.
5.Make a win-win agreement.
The CSD is dedicated to providing a safe work environment and safety equipment. What should you do, as manager to promote that?
- Observe and comply with the safety rules every duty assigned with due regard for my own safety, my fellow employees, and the public
- Follow safe procedures
- Report unsafe conditions, practices, equipment, or tools to supervision
- Report all accidents to supervision
- Report all injuries, however minor
- Use only safe tools and equipment
- Maintain a clean and neat work area
- Know the location of all emergency information and equipment I am trained to use
Types of personal protection
- Head Protection - contains shell and suspension -replace every 5 yrs
- Sight protection-safety glasses and/or face shield
- Hearing protection
- Foot protection
- Satey apparel-Fire retardent apparel or Arc resistant
What is the new USM IV responsible for?
Safety, Wellness, and training (swt)
Tell me about safety in the office.
- All work areas shall be clean, and well illuminated
- Chairs, wastebaskets, cords, or other articles shall not be left where they create tripping hazards
- Desk and file drawers or cabinet doors shall not be left open
- Approved ladders shall be provided and used
- Materials, supplies, or equipment shall not be stored on top of cabinets
- Electrical outlets shall not be overloaded
- Approved extension cords & portable electrical appliances shall be used
- Exits shall be properly marked
What are the criteria for proper ergonomics?
- Chairs, keyboards, & desks shall be properly adjusted to the worker
- The thighs should be horizontal to floor.
- The feet should be flat on the floor.
- Upper arms should be vertical, lower arms should be horizontal, and elbows at 90 degrees when keying or writing.
- Computer monitor positioned to avoid glare and reflection.
- The top of the monitor screen should be at eye level
- The monitor screen should be between 18” and 30” from the eyes
- The document holder should be properly adjusted
What is the employee compliance system for safety?
- Recognition or awards presented to qualifying employees
- Adminis Manual, section 50-04, outlines displine for safety violations
- Failure to promptly report
Tell me about IIPP record keeping?
- Documentation of all safety meetings
- Safety Inspection observations documented on the appropriate forms.
- Medical orders issued to employees
- Documentation of first aid incidents
- Requests for Industrial Hygiene assistance,
- Accident documentation
- CAL/OSHA Form 5020
- Accident Analysis
- Statement of Accident
- Contractors/Consultants – record keeping shall be in accordance with CAL/OSHA requirements
- Records of training, safety infractions, and safety recognition awards
Anything you would like to add?
I have excellent interpersonal skills and technical knowlege after working in the City for the past 30 years and I think I have a good understanding of the needs of customers whether internal or external.
I didn’t mention that I have had the opportunity to be a guest instructor at Pomona Colleg in Claremont and for UCLA extension.
Thank you for your time today.