Use Of Medical Technology Flashcards
Define: Cloning
The scientific method by which animals or plants can be created which have exactly the same genetic make-up as the original because the DNA of the original is used
Where do embryos for cloning come from
The process of IVF
What is a hybrid embryo
An embryo that is a mixture of both human and animal tissue
Roman Catholic views on embryo research
Roman Catholics believe life begins at conception
They believe that life should not be tampered with
They believe in the sanctity of life and natural law
Protestant church views on embryo research
They believe that if you are using them to help heal others in pain then it is for the greater good.
Embryos cannot feel pain but humans can
What are stem cells
Cells at an early stage of development which retain the potential to turn into many different types of cell
Where can stem cells be found
Scientists believe the most useful stem cells come from the tissue of embryos
Why are stem cells good
They heal people
Why are stem cells bad
Against natural law
Leads to the death of embryos
Arguments against embryo research
An embryo is a human which must be valued as highly as a human life - it should be treated as scared life, made by God
Embryos are innocent and taking innocent life is wrong
The bible says Christians should look after those who are weak and cannot protect themselves
Additional arguments against hybrid embryos
It is wrong to tamper with God’s plan for nature.
God created man in his own image and to mix human with animal seems to degrade the image of God
Arguments for embryo research
The human embryo is important, but not the same as the born human being therefore research up to 14 days is acceptable.
Embryo research could bring cures to medical cures which will help those who are suffering from terrible disease
What are saviour siblings
A child conceived through selective IVF as a potential source of donor organs or cells for an existing sibling with a life-threatening medical condition.
Arguments for saviour siblings
Strong bond between siblings
No harm comes to the sibling
Arguments against saviour siblings
You are using the new baby as a means to an end, not valuing it in itself
The saviour sibling will always feel less loved
The donor sibling cannot give its consent
The procedures can be painful and even life-threatening
It goes against the Human Rights of the new child
It doesn’t always work
You are playing God; it’s not natural
Against God’s will
What is somatic cell therapy
A treatment for single genetic disorders
Taking cells out of someones bone marrow and genetically modifying it before using it to replace someone elses defective gene
Does not entail the use of embryos
Arguments for somatic cell therapy
Improves quality of life Doesn't use embryos Induces agape All mainstream churches back it Benefits outweigh risks It doesn't even cause pain to the donor
Arguments against somatic cell therapy
Doesn’t always - one boy developed leukaemia through the treatment
Not compassionate if long term success is unsure
Reasons for infertility
Bad luck Obesity Stress Smoking Drugs
Roman Catholic views on fertility treatments
Accepting of it as long as:
No donor is used
No spare embryos are created
The method of assistance does not replace sexual intercourse within marriage
There is no such thing as a ‘right to a child’
It makes a child a commodity and is exploitative
Fostering and adoption are better options
What is AIH
Artificial insemination by husband
Roman Catholic views on AIH
Official view that it is unnatural
It is a substitute for sexual intercourse
The ejaculation of semen for collection and insemination is seen as equivalent to masturbation and therefore a misuse of the sexual organ
What is AID
Artificial insemination by donor
Roman Catholic views on AID
The same as AIH:
Official view that it is unnatural
It is a substitute for sexual intercourse
The ejaculation of semen for collection and insemination is seen as equivalent to masturbation and therefore a misuse of the sexual organ
But also even more wrong because it is seen as ‘mechanical adultery; which breaches the 6th commandment ‘Do not commit adultery’
Argument for fertility treatments
Infertility can cause severe unhappiness and can destroy relationships
It puts nature right
Everyone has the right to a child
Same sex couples are not discriminated against
It prevents the passing on of certain genetic disorder
Arguments against fertility treatments
Risks to woman’s health
Limited success rate
Emotionally straining
Fears that IVF mught lead to designer babies/sex selection
What are the 4 types of fertility treatment
Roman Catholic views on IVF
Human life is a gift from God, not a lab procedure
Surplus embryos will die
Morally wrong on the embryos
Allowing unmarried people couples to have children weakens the sanctity of marriage
What is surrogacy
Surrogacy is when another woman carries and gives birth to a baby for the couple who want to have a child.
Roman Catholic views on Surrogacy
Couples should only have babies within the sanctity of marriage
Adultery if husband’s sperm is used
Protestant views on Surrogacy
Wrong because it includes a 3rd party.
Some think it’s ok since it brings about happiness but overall it’s wrong
Protestant views on AIH
Good: It brings happiness to people who otherwise would not be able to have children.
It can create loving families.
God told Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and increased in number”. God wants us to have children.
Protestant views on AID
Good for the same reasons as AIH
However it breaks the sanctity and unity of marriage
Protestant views on IVF
Mostly fine - compassionate and induces agape although it does break natural law
Roman Catholic overall view on all fertility treatments