Social Responsibility (Marriage And Prejudice And Discrimination) Flashcards
Why is marriage sacred for christians
A relationship cannot develop fully without the security of marriage - without the commitment of marriage, there’s always the fear of rejection, which can lead to insecurity
Marriage is an important context for having both ________ and ___________
Sex and children
What does the priest represent
God joining the couple
Why are vows important to Christians
They consolidate eternal love and promises forever
Christian views on divorce
‘What God has joined together, let no man separate’
The new testament teaches that divorce is wrong
Christian views on remarrying
In the eyes of God you are still married and committing adultery on your wife
Protestant views on divorce
It’s wrong but they accept it happens
Protestant views on remarriage
Most protestants allow it
Roman Catholic views on divorce
Never right
Roman Catholic views on remarriage
Never right
When will Roman Catholics allow a married couple to separate
Never allowed to divorce
Only allowed to get an annulment
When are annulments allowed
If at least one of the partners didn’t understand the weeding vows or were forced into the marriage
If at least one of the partners lied during the vows
If the marriage wasn’t consumated
Even if some allow it - all Christians do not encourage ____________
Roman Catholic views on cohabitation
Not allowed
‘The sexual act must take place exclusively within marriage. Outside of marriage it always constitutes a grave sin’
Protestant views on cohabitation
Not great but acceptable
6 reasons why Christians support marriage
Procreation Union Rearing Pattern Sacred Everlasting
Name 3 differences between Christian marriages and civil marriages
No priest
No hymns
No mention of God/Jesus/Bible
No prayers
Name 3 similarities between Christian marriages and civil marriages
Recognised by law Must be witnesses Music Celebration Vows Same outcome
Define: Civil partnership
When 2 people of the same sex are ‘legally’ married but not by the church
Give a quotation that teaches the importance of marriage for Christians
‘Divorce is a grave sin’
Define prejudice:
Unfairly judging someone before the facts are known. Holding biased opinions about an individual group
Define: Discrimination
To act against someone on the basis of race, sex, religion
Define: Supremacist
The attitude that one group or race is superior to another
Define: Sexism
Prejudice or discrimination based on gender
Define: Racism
Prejudice or discrimination based on race
Define: Scapegoat
To blame a group when they are innocent
Define: Stereotype
To place into categories; to generalise judgements
What do prejudice and discrimination reflect about a person or group of people
Give a biblical teaching to illustrate the Christian view on equality
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus
Give a church teaching to illustrate the Christian view on equality
The Methodist church is committed to eliminating discrimination
Martin Luther King was born in Georgia in _______ and was the son of a ____________ ____________. At home he was taught that God created everyone in his own image and how Jesus cared for all people
Christian minister
When MLK went out he saw how his family and other black people were treated as though they were _____________. Although this made him very angry, he was convinced that the right way to deal with the problem was not to use ______________ but to organise ____________ ____________.
Peaceful protests
He would not sink to the ________, who attacked blacks. He tried to put into practice the message of the gospels: ____ ______ ______ ____ ______
An eye for an eye
Complete: ‘Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, …
Turn to him the other also
Who was Rosa Parks
A dressmaker who after a tiring day, refused to give up her seat for a white man and was later arrested
What happened the day after Rosa Parks’ arrest(bus-gate)
50 leaders of the black held a meeting at the Baptist Church to decide what should be done about the segregation on buses.
What did MLK do after the meeting
He decided to act against the bus rule by organising a bus boycott
By _______ the American Civil Rights Movement was drawing great strength and MLK was its ___________
MLK was convinced that the battle against racism could only be won by _______________. Even though people bombed his house and threatened to kill his family
What things did MLK organise to fight against racism
Campaigns Boycotts Marches Demonstrations Speeches
MLK’s most famous speech was delivered in ________ where he said…
‘I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but for the content of their character. I have a dream today.’
In ______ MLK was shot dead aged only ____
What reason does the Roman Catholic Church give for not allowing the ordination of women
The Roman Catholic holds that 2000 years of all-male priesthood is not something to be taken lightly dismissed
Maleness of Apostles
Maleness of Jesus
Biblical quote against sexism
‘Male nor female, for we are all one in Jesus Christ’
Biblical quote against discrimination
Deutronomy - ‘When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him.
Luke - ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’