Terms Flashcards
Absolutely morality
What is morally right and wrong applies to all circumstances, at all times.
Misuse of the world and the environment.
Active euthanasia
The ending of a life by deliberate action such as by giving a patient of fatal injection.
Sex outside marriage where at least one of the couple is already married to someone else.
The Christian values of unconditional love.
To help assist people in need, usually by gifts or money. Most people think of this as donating to charities that provide help to the poor, particularly in the developing world.
Artificial insemination
Sperm medically inserted into the vagina to assist pregnancy.
Artificial insemination by donor (DI/AID)
When a woman is made pregnant by the sperm of a man other than her partner, but not through having sexual relations with him.
Artificial insemination by husband (AIH)
When woman is made pregnant by the sperm of a husband but not through having sexual nations with him.
Catholic fund for overseas development. A private charity established by the Bishops Of England and to bring aid to less economically developed countries.
Capital punishment
Form of punishment in which a person is put to death for crimes committed. The death penalty.
Sexual purity. Not having sex before marriage.
Christian aid
A charity slogan on behalf of the British and Irish churches in combating poverty throughout the world; campaigns under the slogan “we believe in life before death”.
Civil marriage
Non-religious marriage ceremony in a marriage registry office or other licensed venue, e.g a hotel.
Civil partnership
Legal registration and recognition of a same-sex partnership.
Climate change
Changes to the climate, believed by some scientist to, be irreparably damaging, that have been caused by human lifestyles.
The scientific method by which animals or plants can be created which have exactly the same genetic make up as the original, because the DNA of the original is used.
A couple living together and having a sexual relationship without being married one another.
Relating to the colour of a person’s skin/ethnicity. Often used as a reason for unfairly judging others and making uninformed opinions about them.
Community service
Form of punishment in which the criminal has to perform tasks useful to society, rather than going to prison.
Looking after the environment protecting animals.
Conservation projects
Project set up to protect the environment.
The artificial and chemical methods used to prevent pregnancy taking place.
To put people off committing crimes. One of the aims of punishment.
When a person has a mental or physical condition that limits movement or activities.
Disability discrimination
Acting against someone on the grounds of physical or mental limitations.
The acting is someone on the basis of sex race religion, etc, discrimination is usually seen as wrong.
Marital breakdown
When a husband and wife no longer get on with each other, leading to the end of the marriage by divorce or separation.
A legal union between a man and a woman.
Marriage ceremony
The ceremony in which a man and woman marry.
Medically prescribed drugs
Drugs prescribed by a doctor as part of medical treatment.
A system of ethics about what is right or wrong.
Natural habitats
The places where plants or animals live in the wild.
Natural resources
Resources that are a part of the environment e.g. Water, minerals and which are used and often abused by humans.
Nuclear proliferation
The increase in the number of states that have the potential to use nuclear weapons.
Nuclear war
A war in which the participants use nuclear weapons.
The belief that it is unacceptable to take part in war and any other form of violence.
Passive euthanasia
Allowing a terminally or incurably ill person to die by withdrawing or withholding medical treatment that would only prolong the suffering and have no real benefit.
And absence of war and conflict, which leads to happiness and harmony.
The contamination of something, especially the environment.
Condition of being without money, food and other basic needs of life. (being poor)
Unfairly judging someone before the facts are known. Holding biased opinions about an individual or group.
Slogan used for the view that women should have the right to choose whether or not to have an abortion.
Slogan used for the view that supports the right to life of the foetus.
To stop the criminal hurting anyone in society. An aim of punishment.
Quality of life
A measure of fulfilment.
A group of people with the same ethnic background.
Racial discrimination
Discrimination against someone on the grounds of race.
- A sacrament in the Roman Catholic Church.
2. When two people or groups of people who have disagreed or fought with each other make up.
Reusing materials e.g. paper, plastic in the interests of environmental conservation.
To change someone’s behaviour for the better an aim of punishment.
Relative morality
What is morally right or wrong in a situation depends upon the particular circumstances.
Religious discrimination
Discrimination against someone on the grounds of religion.
When people who have been married before marry again.
Reproductive cloning
The use of cloning techniques to produce a baby.
The deliberate termination (ending) of a pregnancy, usually before the foetus is 24 weeks old.
To ‘get your own back’ on the criminal, based on the Old Testament teaching of an eye for an eye. An aim of punishment aimed at being proportionate to the offence committed.
Sanctity of life
Life is sacred because it is God-given
Saviour siblings
A child conceived by IVF with pre-implantation genetic diagnosis to save the life of an incurably ill sibling through the use of cord blood
Refers to the right to make decisions for oneself in life. It is an argument to used by those who agree with voluntary euthanasia
Somatic cell-therapy
The use of genetic engineering to modify non-reproductive cells in order to treat genetic disease
Social drugs
Legal drugs which are still addictive such as alcohol, nicotine, caffeine etc
Stem cell cloning
Removing cells from a patient and treating them in the laboratory in order to produce stem cells which may be used to treat disorders e.g. Alzheimer’s disease
The idea that believers have a duty to look after the environment on behalf of God
A form of fertility treatment in which a woman’s egg is fertilised artificially by another woman’s partner or an embryo from another couple is created through IVF and then implanted into the ‘host’ woman. The woman carries the baby throughout pregnancy and gives it to the other couple after birth
A Christian relief and development charity
When groups use violence, or the threat of violence, to achieve their aims, rather than using a democratic process. The violence is often indiscriminate and intended to create an atmosphere of fear
Therapeutic cloning
Another term for stem cell cloning
- The Irish word for mercy
2. A charity established by the Irish Bishops to help alleviate poverty in the developing world
Involuntary euthanasia
When are terminally ill person asks the doctor or a friend to help them died peacefully and with dignity. It can be called ‘mercy killing’ or ‘assisted suicide’
World poverty
The idea that the majority of the worlds population actually live in conditions of extreme poverty