Use of Force Flashcards
What is the most common reason a highly competent LEO would use excessive force?
Lack of Training
Priority of Life
Cops / Responders
Which MCA codes state force is justified?
Method of Arrest (46-6-104)
Investigative Stops and Frisk (46-5-401)
Use of Force in Defense of a Person (45-3-102)
In Defense of Occupied Structure (45-3-103)
Use of Force in Defense of Other Property (45-3-104)
An arrest is made by an actual _____ of the person to be arrested or by the ______ to the custody of the person making the arrest.
Persons submission
All _____ and _____ force may be used in making an arrest.
Person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary for self-defense or defense of another.
Use of Force in Defense of a Person
Use of force is necessary to prevent or terminate the other persons unlawful entry into or attack upon an occupied structure.
Use of Force in Defense of Occupied Structure
The appropriate inquiry in whether the officer acted reasonably, not whether they had less intrusive alternatives available to them.
Scott v. Harris
In 1985 US Supreme Court Case regarding use of deadly force by law enforcement officer. You cannot use deadly force on a fleeing felon unless the risk of death or serious bodily injury is greater if they flee.
Tennessee v. Garner
When orders to drop the weapon have gone unheeded, an officer is not required to wait until an armed and dangerous felon has drawn a bead on the officer or others before using deadly force.
Montoute v. Carr
In 1989 US Supreme Court Case regarding use of any and all force by a law enforcement officer.
Graham v. Connor
Use of Force Calculus
What was the severity of the crime?
Was the subject an immediate threat?
Did the subject obey clear commands?
Did the subject attempt to evade arrest?
Was a warning given prior?
Legal test that considers all relevant factors in a situation to determine if there is probable cause.
Totality of the Circumstances
Objectively Reasonable
Officer’s actions are objectively reasonable in light of the facts and circumstances confronting them.
Indicates that the action or threat perceived by the officer is imminent or in the here and now, but not necessarily instantaneous. Subject must be in a position in which they can use their ability / capability to carry out the action.
The mental state initiating an overt act in the furtherance of a threat or action.
Within the normal realm of control, the vast majority of officer/subject encounters are positive and cooperative. Officer can maintain or gain compliance to commands via respect, acceptance, verbalization skills.
Subject offering no physical or mechanical energy enhancement toward the resistance effort.
Resistant (Passive)
Individual has directed his/her physical strength and energy in achieving and or maintaining a posture of resistance.
Resistant (Active)
Active, hostile, non-compliance, culminating in an actual attack upon the officers or others.
Assaultive (Bodily Harm)
Officers can draw a reasonable conclusion that he/she or another would be subject to death or great bodily harm as a result of the subject’s attack.
Assaultive (Harm/Death)