USA --> Wall street crash Flashcards
What were some of the key causes of the Wall Street Crash?
a. Actions of Speculators: Speculators selling stocks created panic, leading to the collapse of the market.
b. Exports: Limited opportunities for U.S. exports, with European customers facing financial strains after World War I.
c. Uneven Distribution of Income: 50-60% of Americans too poor to participate in the consumer boom, with a significant wealth gap.
d. Overproduction: Excessive production of consumer goods, saturating the market by 1929.
e. Signs of Economic Slow-Down: Declining car sales, fewer new houses built, and signs of an economic downturn before October 1929.
What were the strengths and weaknesses of Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1932 election?
Hoover’s Weaknesses:
- Elected as the 1920s boom was ending, associated with economic troubles.
- Initial reaction to the depression considered too late and too little.
- Against federal welfare support, seen as unsympathetic.
- Projected as grim-faced and conservative in the 1932 campaign.
Roosevelt’s Strengths:
- Democrat with no responsibility for pre-Depression policies.
- Reputation for helping the elderly and unemployed as Governor of New York.
- Upbeat personality, charm, and optimism.
- Admired for overcoming polio.
What were some of Hoover’s actions to combat the economic depression?
- 1930: Cut taxes by $30 million to boost purchasing power.
- Hawley-Smoot Act (1930): Introduced tariffs to protect American goods.
- Funding for building programs like the Hoover Dam.
- Voluntary agreements between employers and employees to maintain wages.
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation (1932): Provided loans to struggling businesses.
- Federal Farm Board: Bought surplus produce to stabilize prices.
What were some consequences of the Great Depression in the early 1930s?
- Directly led to bank and business failures, rising unemployment.
- 1933: One in four of the workforce unemployed.
- No welfare benefits, leading to evictions and homelessness.
- Emergence of “Hoovervilles”: Shanty towns with makeshift shelters.
- Public relief schemes strained as more than 100 authorities had no money left by 1932.
What was the “Bonus Army” protest during the Great Depression?
- 25,000 army veterans sought the war service bonus promised for 1945 to be given in 1932.
- Peaceful protest opposite the White House after Congress refused the Bonus Bill.
- Hoover ordered the army to clear the site, leading to the destruction of the camp with force.
- Two veterans killed, thousands injured, highlighting the severity of the economic crisis.