USA--> Changes In Role Of Women Flashcards
Chqnges in role of woman in emplyment (2)
-10 million woman working outside home by 1929 (24% more than in 1920)
-financial independence for mny woman + more freedom
How role of woman barely chnged in employment?(3)
-woman paid less
-only wmployed bc they were cheaper employers (roughly paid 60% the salary of men)
-little change –> mjority were still housewives
How the role of woman DID change in household roles:(1)
-new machinery (eg. Washing machine/vacuumcleaner) –> lessenedworkload on woman + more free time
How the role of woman DIDN’T change respectinghousehold chores:(3)
-Still responsible for all household tasks
-Even if they were working fulltime, women would be expected to work a ‘double shit”, one shift in the factory or shop and another at home cleaning + cooking
-Most women couldn’t afford such appliances sail. In 1930, 70% of households did not out vacuum cleaners and 75% still did not have a washing machine
How DID ghe role of woman change regarding behaviour?(4)
-‘flappers’ began to wear more daring clothes, smoke & drink, stay out late in jazz clubs, driving cars w/out male chaperone –> more freedom
-Women started going to movies, listening to radio, changing their behaviours
-Some women began to adopt different attitudes to sex before marriage
- The divorce rate doubled between 1914 and 1929
How DIDN’T roles of women change regarding behaviour?(3)
-flappers only a minority (reach/cities/fashionable)
-lives of woman in countryside unchanged
-only political power they had was voting
How DID roles of women change regarding entertainment?(1)
-movies showed woman in more influential & daring roles –> contributed to changing views on sex, divorce, role of women in society
How DIDN’T role of woman change regardoing entertainment?(1)
- many woman kept their priorities from before (raising a family, mantaining a good family home)