USA: Pressure Groups Flashcards
just interest groups statistics not content#
What are the NRA
Natiional Rifle Assosiation
Give an Example of the NRA critising government
The NRA critisised biden in 2022 by complaining on twitter about his executive order banning ghost guns, which would burden law abiding gun owners
Which ammendment protects gun laws
2nd - right to bear arms
What sort of pressure group are the NRA
Single issue pressure groups
How much did the NRA spend on Opposing Biden and Supporting trump in 2020
12.2 m on opposing biden, 4.2 m on supporting trump
How many ex-congressmen have done lobbying
As of 2022, it was 453
Give an example of Lobbying happening (funny name)
John Boehner had worked with a law firm after leaving the role of speaker in house of representatives, working there now
Two examples of lobbying (old)
2013 , bill passed in HOR that allows banks to use savers money to trade in risker stocks - to which the bills language was almost identical to that used in Citigroup lobbying
2016: Scott Tipton (HOR) had introduced a bill to allow drilling in certain areas which was written by SG Interests, one of his top donors.
Give an example of pressure groups offering their advice to Congress
Eleanor McCullen was giving testimoney against the appointment of Ketanji brown jackson to lower her credentials after appointmentment as well as trying to stop the confirmation of her appointment.
Pressure groups typically could try build relationships with candidates as well to build stronger rapport with them
How to pressure groups try to push Congressmen to vote in a certain way or change their policy using report cards? Give examples of this.
Report cards are used to monitor how politicians will value specific issues - if they are getting poor grades then it costs them votes which can threaten their seats in the long run if the interest group is popular in their consitituency
eg. Bernie Saunders had got a D- from the NRA in 2016,
How much did Wall Street spend on lobbying in 2020 election
3 billion dollars
How does the league of conservation voters show endoresment/lack of endorsment to candidates
Publishing the dirty dozen for the most polluting candidates, who are the 12 worst incumbents.
Trump was seen as the dirtiest of all time
Who did NRA campaign against
Joe Manchin - he is anti gun.
Compare two congress members ratings in NCIA (Cannabis legalisation)
Ocaso-Cortez (lengers for New York democrat) had a 3/3 approval rating, but Gosar (Republican for Arizona) had a 0/3
Name a grassroots protest about womens rights
Womens march in 2020 against appointment of Amy Coney Barett gained lots of media attention
How do pressure groups use legal means
They can go to the SC and complain about stuff, Citizens united is a prssure group who complained about the FEC and funding.
Defend Affirmative action group had challenged Michigan’s ban on affirmative action.
What did the League of Conservation voters campaign against
The contruction of Keystone oil pipeline
Who did NARAL campaign against
Brett Kavvanugh
Give an example of a pressure group getting legisaltion through
Arizona managed to get Marujuana legalised in 2020 60/40 by getting thousands of signatures.