USA Migration Flashcards
Mexicans into the US/yr and living in the USA
170,000/yr and 11.5 million living
Chinese immigrating per yr and living in USA
70,000 per year and 2 million living
Indian immigrants per year and living in USA
65,000/yr and 2.7 million living
US Citizens living abroad and where
9 million - Canada, Mexico, Europe
Total number of permanent visas given out per year
How many family reunification visas/yr and who are they for
480,000 - extended family
High skilled worker visas/yr
Interdependence with Mexico - trade deal
NAFTA - $1.4 billion/day in merchandise trade alone
Interdependence with Mexico - job market
Mexicans plug gaps in US job market, especially in manufacturing, construction and agriculture
Interdependence with Mexico - remittances
Mexico receives $22 billion in remittances/yr - 2% of GDP
Interdependence with Mexico - political
Co-operation on border issues - drug and people smuggling
As well as on environmental issues - water scarcity and allocation
Economic Opportunities for USA
Mexicans contribute to tax base and spend in local area, as most come to work - multiplier effect
30% of Mexicans employed in services and 25% in manufacturing - boosts those industries
Skilled workers- usually China and India - contribute to tech and science industries
Social Opportunities for US
New cultures and languages - social and economic benefits - ‘Little Colombia’ in Jackson Heights NYC - language and businesses changed
Young Immigrants lower average age of US and increase birth rate
Challenges with border issues
Human Smuggling over the border by cartels - often leads to exploitation and linked to drug smuggling - over 5000 people arrested + charged for human smuggling in 2014
Challenges with illegal immigrants
Many immigrants over stay visas or gain access to US illegally
Over 11.5 million illegal immigrants in the US - 6 mil Mexicans
Can lead to exploitation in the workplace, growth in informal industry and conflict with locals and police/border control
Challenges with conflict
Conflict can arise between locals and new immigrant groups
Usually due to a lack of social cohesion, language barrier, xenophobic attitudes or size of immigrant population
Challenges with large/rapid growing diaspora
Large new populations of immigrants in diaspora locations can create a strain on service and infrastructure
E.g. Southern California has increased water stress