US Navy Uniform Refulations Flashcards
How shall wireless devices be worn on the navy uniform?
(It shall be aft of the elbow on either side of the
body not visible from the front)
If a sailor assigned to a Marine unit elects to wear the marine uniform what are the requirements for grooming standards?
(They shall conform to those grooming standards of the Marine Corps)
How are bags worn when in dress uniform?
(They are only allowed to be hand carried)
If wearing a retainer strap with glasses how should the strap be worn?
(Snugly against the back of the head)
What colors are authorized for contact lenses?
(Blue; green; or brown)
How should uniforms that are going to be packed away for a long time be packed?
In a airtight bag with a bag of desiccant
How are embroidered items cleaned?
(With a nail brush and diluted ammonia)
How are buttons cleaned?
(With Worcestershire sauce or vinegar)
How is gold lace to be cleaned?
(By an experienced tailor)
How is metal insignia cleaned?
(With soap and water)
Men’s hair shall be no longer than inches?
Men’s hair shall be tapered up the back of the neck at least ?
(3/4 inches)
The bulk of men’s hair shall not exceed from the scalp?
(2 inches)
Sideburns may not extend longer than ?
(The middle of the ear)
For women braids shall not exceed in diameter?
(1/4 inch)
When in uniform women’s hair may not extend any longer than what?
(The bottom of the collar)
When in dress uniform women’s hair may not be longer than _ below the top of the jumper collar ?
1 1/2 inch
A maximum of how many barrettes may be worn while in uniform?
Hair barrettes shall be what color?
(Similar to the female’s hair color)
What is the maximum length of facial hair when a no-shaving chit has been authorized?
(1/4 inch)
The length of mustache hair will not be longer than when fully extended?
(1/2 inch)
What personnel are not authorized to wear facial hair?
(Brig awardees; prisoners; personnel in a
disciplinary hold status; and personnel assigned to TPU)
Females may wear cosmetics as long as they what?
(compliment the natural skin tone)
Yes or No: Are long false eyelashes authorized in uniform?
Cosmetic permanent makeup is authorized for what cosmetics?
(Eyeliner; lipstick; eyebrows; and lip liner)
Female service members requesting to obtain
permanent cosmetics shall fomard requests to
their CO on what form?
(NAVPERS 1336/3)
When are men authorized to wear earrings?
(Only when off base; in civilian clothes; and not
part of any military event)
Female earrings shall be _ to _ mm or
to_ “?
4-6 or 1/8” to 1/4”
Service members may wear watch and wristband per arm?
How many ankle bracelets are authorized to be worn while in uniform?
What is the maximum size of tattoo that may be worn?
(No larger than the wearer’s hand with fingers extended
How long may the fingernails of a female be while in uniform?
(1/4 inch measured from the tip of the finger)
How long may the fingernails of a male be while in uniform?
Even with the fingertip