US History Adhoc Flashcards


On the US dollar, below the pyramid, the Latin phrase says “new world order”–America’s book of secrets.


The book “The devil’s dictionary “ by Ambrose Bierce 1842-1914, is one of America’s 100 greatest masterpieces of American literature.

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The pledge of allegiance was written in the 1890s as a way to unify our country after the civil war. The words “In god we trust” was added to the pledge in the early 50s during the Korean War. In 1956 the words “In god we trust” was added to our money and federal buildings and officially became our motto.

(MN: I feel this was wrong. Congress ignored separation of church and state stated in our constitution. The United States was caught up in a new religious movement and passed it into law.

Stated in the Treaty of Tripoli, General Washington insisted that the new union of states was in no way founded on religious or Christian principles. He insisted this was officially written in the treaty. This was supported by John Adams, READ ALOUD TO CONGRESS and voted upon in Congress in 1796 (verified)

Our constitution is worded and written to protect our government from the historical chokehold of religion and to level the playing field so that religion could not run the government like it did for 700 years of the dark ages.)


The Treaty of Tripoli (Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the United States of America and the Bey and Subjects of Tripoli of Barbary), signed in 1796, was the first treaty between the United States of America and Tripoli to secure commercial shipping rights and protect American ships the Treaty of Tripoli, the English text of which was written at the behest of George Washington and signed by John Adams in 1797, said right out, “the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion .”This English text was read on the Senate floor and passed unanimously among all the senators present (only nine senators of the then thirty-two were absent). This text was also printed in several major newspapers and received little complaint. That pretty much kills the notion that the Constitution establishes the United States as a Christian nation. Meanwhile, if it was in any other sense founded on Christian principles, the Founding Fathers evidently went out of their way to conceal this fact at every turn. Which seems unlikely.

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“I do believe reciting the pledge should be tied into further understanding of why we do it,” Roden said. “There’s a lack of understanding of where the pledge even came from and its original purpose. It was written in the 1890s as a way to unify our country after the Civil War. There was a great divide and it was a way to be united again. Sent by Linda Schafer via text to my question.



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Time line of Roman invasion to conquer the Jews and destroy Jerusalem compared to dates the gospels were written.

Note dates gospels written compared to Rome destroying the temple and much of the city in Jerusalem. These were the Jewish war years.

Now note the salvation plans of each gospel. They keep changing. This is the Roman effort to convert the Jews to polytheism so they would stop causing trouble in the Roman government.

Mark, 60 CE. Close to invasion time.

Matthew and Luke, 70CE, at time of Jerusalem being destroyed.

John, 95CE, Almost a century after the birth of Jesus. This is three generations later!


Mission and salvation plan changes with each gospel, from Mark to John.

60 CE MARK, Death of Jesus paid the price. No born again. Jesus does not declared himself divine.
70 CE. MATTHEW, Keeping Jewish law. No born again. Jesus does not declare himself divine.
70CE LUKE, Forgiveness that comes from repentance. No born again. Jesus does not declare himself divine.
95 CE JOHN, you MUST be born again. Jesus declare himself divine.

Note: in the three synoptic gospels, Jesus himself doesn’t claim to be Divine. Jesus is a Jewish rabbi. He says nothing about a Christian faith, everything is strictly Jewish.

Jesus’s message was about the coming apocalypse, just like his cousin’s message, John the Baptist.
Sure he considered himself the son of god, but to everyone in the world the humans are said to be god’s children and that god is everyone’s father.

Jesus only claims to be divine in the gospel of John, which I consider to be plan “B”.

Note the synoptic gospels stay true to Jewish form completely. Jesus is not claimed to be a divine savior. But suddenly, in the gospel of John, Jesus is the lord god almighty!

John is the key gospel for the mainline idea of the New Testament and the new Roman Catholic religion.

So, in the fourth century, Constantine forces the entire Roman Empire to be Christian, making the entire empire united in religion. But the Jews again refuse.

Since it is the law to be a Christian, the Jews are forever persecuted by the mighty Roman Catholic Church for heresy. This continues throughout WWII, Adolph Hitler, a strong catholic, comes up with “The final solution” and is helped by the church to find the Jews. The church released the birth records to Hitler so he could hunt them down.

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To explain how the timing of the gospels coincided with the invasion of Jewish lands by the Romans.


Jesus his disciples and all Jewish people spoke Aramaic and Hebrew. The New Testament was written in Greek. The invading romans spoke in Greek and Latin.

Jesus and his disciples could not read and write. The romans had scribes that could read and write Greek.

Question. How could illiterate disciples, write an eyewitness account, verbatim, of everything Jesus said and done?

How could this be verbatim testimony if it was written generations after the fact?

The gospels were written 60 to 95 years after the birth of Jesus!

Answers. The gospels were written by a Roman scribe. They were written at the time of the conquest of Jerusalem, in the Jewish wars.

It was an attempt by Rome to get Jews to accept Roman gods and quit causing trouble.



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How many times did America fly to the moon?

How many Americans walked on the moon?


1968-1972 Americans flew to the moon 24 times.

A total of 12 Americans walked on the moon.

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