I Am Not A Gullible Person. Flashcards
I am not a gullible person. I have been conned many times, ergo I now do extensive background checks on a belief to check if it has validity. I study the epistemologies of said belief to see if it is valid.
If there is solid evidence with empirical evidence and accredited sources I will accept the belief as being valid. If there is no solid evidence and only emotional opinion, I dismiss the belief as fake news and that it is only fodder for make believe participants that dwell in a fairytale world and conspiracy theorists.
You do not think it is a fairytale world? Tell me how do all the fairytales end? They lived happily ever after.
Religion is the masterpiece of animal training, for it trains people as to how they shall think! — Arthur Schopenhauer
Prayer is the giant placebo pill invented by religion. — B. Nickles
The placebo pill of prayer and nonsense rituals.
There is one thing that people cannot stand, and that is to be helpless to come to the rescue for a friend that is having a terrible tragedy.
We feel so horrible for this person, especially if it is family or a loved one. But yet we are completely powerless to make things right.
Because of our cultural inheritance, we are so desperate to help, so our programmed response is to pray, convincing a higher power to help our friend.
Even though the praying person is simply talking to themselves, wishing change for the better. In their mind they are really showing solidarity and also in their mind they are thinking that they made a real difference in the situation.
So, if someone tells them they are simply talking to themselves and it has no more effect on reality than picking up a stick and throwing it over the fence, they will be very hostile to you.
All these theology rituals are the same way. But the world at large has created a special power to the doer that makes a big difference. I am talking about genuflecting, lighting candles, buying a prayer card, praying over beads, fasting, eating a wafer and drinking wine. The list is almost endless. Not a shred of evidence these nonsense rituals actually do anything. But to the true believer, they make all the difference in the world.
The freethinker shakes his head and floated his eyes. But the faithful really think they did something when they say, “I prayed for you”.
All they did in reality is take a placebo pill. But hocus pocus, now they feel so much better about it.
”Religion is the placebo pill of psychology.” In fact, prayer is nothing more than a psychological placebo pill. —- BN
When asked if I believed in God, I should answer back, “Do you believe in animal.” Then “Asking if I believe in God is like asking if you believe in animal. There are millions of gods just like there are millions of animals.”