US Chapter 8 Flashcards
Balance the ticket
A political party’s effort to appeal to a wider cross section of voters by providing regional or ideological balance in its nominations for president and vice president
A meeting of members of a political party, used in some states to select delegates to the national conventions, which nominate presidential candidates
Closed primary
A primary election in which only the members of the party holding the election are allowed to participate
Direct popular election
Selection of officials on the basis of those receiving the largest number of votes cast , sometimes referring to a proposal to choose the president and vice president on this basis, rather than through the Electoral College
Electoral College
Institution established by the Constitution, and chosen by electors, for electing the president and vice president. Each state has a number of electors equal to its total number of senators and representatives. D.C. has three (23rd amendment).
Exit poll
A poll of voters taken as they leave the polling place and usually conducted by the media to get an advance indication of voting trends and facilitate analysis of the reasons behind the outcome of the election
Faithless elector
A person that is chose to vote for particular presidential and vice-presidential candidates in the Electoral College but who, nevertheless, votes for different presidential and vice-presidential candidates
Federal Election Campaign Act
Law passed in 1971 and amended several times that regulates campaign financing and requires full disclosed of sources and uses of campaign funds and limits contributions to political candidates
Female suffrage
The right of women to vote, which was bestowed nationally by the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920
Fifteenth Amendment
Outlawed race-based restrictions on voting
General election
Election, which occurs in November, to choose the candidates who will hold public office, following preliminary elections held during the spring and summer
High-stimulus election
Election that the public finds interesting and important
Low-stimulus election
Election that the public finds uninteresting or unimportant
Media consultant
An expert hired by a political candidate to give advice on the use of the mass media, particularly television and direct mail, in a campaign for public office
Nineteenth Amendment
Constitutional amendment of 1920 giving women the right to vote