TX Chapter 10 Flashcards
A political term for an interest group that appears to have many grassroots members, but in fact does not have any active members
The situation in which a state agency or board falls under the heavy influence of or is controlled by its constituency interest groups
Collective bargaining
Negotiations between an employer and a group of employees to determine employment conditions, such as those related to wages, working hours, and safety
Various activities in which interest groups engage to try ro influence the outcome of elections
Fragmented government structure
A government structure where power is dispersed to many state agencies with little or no central control
Geographic distribution
A characteristic of some interest groups in that they have members in all regions of the state
Government organizations
Interest groups that represent state and local governments; called SLIGs, for state and local interest groups
Interest group
An organization of individuals sharing common goals that tries to influence governmental decisions
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
Largest organization representing Latinos in Texas
The practice of attempting to influence the legislature, originally by catching members in the lobby of the capitol
Membership organizations
Interest groups that have individual citizens or businesses as members, such as the National Rifle Association
Nonmembership organizations
Interest groups that represent corporations and businesses and do not have broad-based citizen support
Peak business organizations
Interest groups that represent statewide business interests
Political action committee (PAC)
Spin-offs of interest groups that collect money for campaign contributions and other activity
Professional associations
Organizations promoting the interests of individuals who generally must hold a state-issued license to engage in their profession
Rent seeking
The practice of trying to secure benefits for oneself or one’s group through political means
Retail trade associations
Organizations seeking to protect and promote the interests of member businesses involved in the sales of goods and services
Right-to-work laws
Legislation stipulating that a person cannot be denied employment because of membership or nonmembership in a labor union or other labor organization
State and local interest groups (SLIGs)
Interest groups that represent state and local governments, such as the Texas Association of Counties
Texas Ethics Commission
State agency responsible for enforcing requirements for interest groups and candidates for public office to report information on money collected and activites
Trade associations
Interest groups that represent more specific business interests