Urology & Nephrology Vocabulary Flashcards
benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)
Noncancerous enlargement of prostate gland;
Term for stone formed within organ;
Bacterial sexually transmitted disease; inflammation of urethra of males or cervix of females with purulent discharge
Surgical removal of prepuce or foreskin from glans penis
clean catch specimen (CC)
Procedure for obtaining urine sample after cleaning off urethral eats and catching urine in midstream to minimize contamination from skin
digital rectal exam (DRE)
Direct examination for presence of enlarged prostate gland performed by palpating prostate gland with fingers through wall of rectum
erectile dysfunction (ED)
Inability to achieve erection of penis for coitus;
extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL)
Treatment procedure for urinary system stones;
Condition of feeling urge to urinate more often than normal but without increase in total daily volume of urine;
genital herpes
Highly infectious viral sexually transmitted disease; causes blister like lesions on penis of males or cervix and vagina of females
Bacterial sexually transmitted disease; infects mucous membranes and can spread throughout entire genitourinary system;
hemodialysis (HD)
Treatment for renal failure using artificial kidney machine to filter waste from blood
State of difficulty initiating flow of urine;
Accumulation of fluid within scrotum
intravenous pyelogram (IVP)
X-ray of kidney following injection of dye into vein to visualize renal pelvis as kidney filters dye out of bloodstream and puts it into urine
Narrowing of prepuce over glans penis;
polycystic kidney disease (PKD)
Inherited kidney disease characterized by presence of multiple cysts throughout kidney tissue;
prostatic cancer
Common and slow-growing cancer of prostate gland occurring in males over age 50;
renal failure
Inability of kidneys to filter wastes from blood and/or produce urine;
renal transplant
Replacement of diseased kidney by donor kidney
semen analysis
Evaluation of semen for fertility;
sexually transmitted disease (STD)
Contagious disease acquired through sexual contact;
Inability to produce children;
Bacterial sexually transmitted disease; begins as localized ulcer at point of infection
testicular cancer
Cancer of one or both testicles;
Protozoan sexually transmitted disease; causes inflammation of genitourinary tract in both men and women
undescended testicle
Congenital anomaly involving failure of one or both of testes to descend into scrotal sac before birth
Force or impulse of needing to urinate immediately
urinary catheterization
Insertion of flexible tube, catheter, into urinary bladder through urethra;
urinary incontinence
Involuntary urination;
urinary tract infection (UTI)
Infection of urethra and/or urinary bladder
urine culture and sensitivity (C&S)
Diagnostic lab procedure that identifies bacterial infection of urinary system and determines best antibiotic to treat it;
Development of varicose veins of veins leading to testes in scrotum
extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy
human papilloma virus