Hematology Vocabulary Flashcards
Group of blood disorders involving either a reduction in number of circulating erythrocytes or amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells;
Any substance that prevents clot formation
blood culture and sensitivity (C&S)
Blood specimen incubated to check for bacterial growth;
blood transfusion
Transfer of blood from one person to another
bone marrow aspiration
Removal of small sample of bone marrow by needle and examined for diseases such as leukemia or aplastic anemia
complete blood count (CBC)
Comprehensive blood test that includes red blood cell count, white blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, white blood cell differential, and platelet count
Commonly called floating clot; usually piece of thrombus breaks away and floats through bloodstream until it lodges in a smaller blood vessel and blocks blood flow.
Blood test that measures volume of red blood cells within total volume of blood
Blood collection under skin by escaping into tissue from damaged blood vessel;
Blood test that measures amount of hemoglobin present in given volume of blood
Cancer of leukocyte-forming red bone marrow; patient has large number of abnormal and immature leukocytes circulating in blood
Removal of blood specimen from vein for lab tests; also called venipuncture
prothrombin time
Blood test that measures how long it takes for clot to form after prothrombin, a blood clotting protein, is activated
Presence of bacteria or their toxins in bloodstream; commonly called blood poisoning
Blood that has had formed elements and clotting factors removed
sickle cell anemia
Inherited blood cell disorder in which erythrocytes take on an abnormal curved or sickle shape; cells are fragile and easily damaged resulting in anemia;
white blood cell count
Blood test that determines number of leukocytes in volume of blood;
complete blood count
red blood cell, red blood count
white blood cell, white blood count