Obstetrics and Gynecology Vocabulary Flashcards
abortion (AB)
Discharge of embryo from uterus before about 20th week of gestation;
abruptio placentae
Emergency condition occurring when placenta tears away from uterine wall prior to birth of fetus;
Lack of normal body opening;
breast cancer
Malignant tumor of breast;
cervical cancer
Malignant tumor of cervix; some cases caused by human papilloma virus (HPV), sexually transmitted virus for which there is now vaccine;
cesarean section (CS, C-Section)
Surgical birth of baby through incision into abdominal and uterine walls;
Surgical removal of a core of cervical tissue for biopsy
Hernia or out pouching of bladder protrudes into vagina;
dilation and curettage (D&C)
Surgical procedure consisting of widening cervix and scraping or suctioning out endometrial lining of uterus;
ectopic pregnancy
Pregnancy occurring outside of uterus, usually in fallopian tubes;
Occurs when endometrial tissue appears throughout pelvic or abdominal cavity;
endometrial cancer
Cancerous tumor forms in lining of uterus
fetal monitoring
Use of electronic equipment placed on mother’s abdomen or fetus’ scalp to check fetal heart rate and fetal heart tone during labor;
fibrocystic breast tissue
Benign cysts in breast tissue;
fibroid tumor
Benign tumor of fiber like tissue; the most common type of tumor in women
Abnormal passageway that develops between two structures;
hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN)
Condition developing in fetus when mother’s blood type is Rh-negative and baby’s blood is Rh-positive;
ovarian cancer
Cancerous tumor formed within ovary
papanicolaou (PAP) smear
Test for early detection of cervical cancer;
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Chronic or acute infection, usually bacterial, that ascends through female reproductive tract and out into pelvic cavity;
placenta previa
Placenta forms in lower portion of uterus and blocks birth canal;
premature birth
Birth of fetus before 37 weeks of gestation
premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Symptoms that develop just prior to onset of menstrual period;
prolapsed uterus
Fallen uterus that can cause cervix to protrude through vaginal opening
tubal ligation
Surgical tying off of fallopian tubes to prevent pregnancy
dilation and curettage
papanicolaou test