Urology Flashcards
Geniturinary tract pain could be due to
- Obstruction: stone/retention
- Inflammation
Parenchymatous organ inflammation (pyelonephritis, epididmitis) produces_____ Pain, while inflammation of the mucosa of a hollow viscous, such as bladder produces________
Severe, discomfort
Site of renal pain is
At the costovertebral angle just lateral to sacro-spinalis muscle, beneath 12th rib
Where does renal pain radiate to?
Flank anteriorly towards upper abdomen and umbilicus, and might be to the testis/labium
Describe the character of renal pain?
Inflammatory: steady dull aching
Obstruction: fluctuating colicky
Justify: obstructive renal pain is associated with GI symptoms
Due to reflex stimulation of the celiac ganglion
Lower urinary tract symptoms divides into:
- Voiding (obstructice) symptoms
- Storage (irritative) symptoms
Mention bladder irritative symptoms
Mention LUT obstructive symptoms
Abdominal straining
Weak stream(bifid)
Post voiding dribbling
Sense of incomplete evacuation
Define hematuria
Presence of blood in urine > 3 RBC’s per high power microscopic field
Initial hematuria indicates
Indicates problem of urethra or prostate
Terminal hematuria
Bladder or prostate
Total hematuria
Kidney, ureter or bladder
Define infertility
Couple failing to conceive after 1 yr of regular unprotected intercourse
Normal Urine pH
Highly acidic urine is found in
Normal WBCs in urine microscopy
Male: up to 2/ HPF
Females: up to 5/HPF
Chemical dipsticks screen for:
Glucose, pH, protein, hemoglobin, ketones
Normal serum creatinine
Adults: 0.8-1.2mg/dl
Infants: 0.1-0.4 mg/dl
Why is BUN much less accurate than creatinine in indicating GFR
As its influenced by many factors such as: dietary protein and hydration
Normal BUN/Creatinine ratio
10/1 to 20/1
High: dehydration, renal ds, bleeding
Low: pregnancy, low prtn diet and hepatic ds
Prostatic specific antigen < 4 ng/ml
4-10 grey zone
>10 malignancy?
If PSA > 10, perform:
TRUS guided biopsy check for malignancy
If PSA is in grey area what do we do next?
Grey zone 4-10 ng/ml
Get a PSA Free/ total ratio
Transrectal ultrasound scan: prostate viewing
Most used screening imaging study in urology
Disadvantage of U/S
No functional data
Poor anatomical imaging of ureter
To detect mass and torsion in testis use
Scrotal Doppler U/S
Advantages of IVU
Anatomical and functional data of urinary tract
Disadvantage of IVU
Contract allergy and adverse effects
Radiation exposure
Phases of IVU imaging
Immediate film
Nephrogram phase (5-15min)
Ureterogram phase (30min)
Cystogram phase (45 min)
Post voiding film
Cobra head appearance on IVU
Key hole sign
Posterior uretheral valve anomaly
Uses of CT in urology
- Radiolucent/radio-opaque stone detection
- Tumor detection & staging
- Urinary tract trauma
Varicocele commonest side
Left side
Uses of MRI in urology
Replacing CT when contraindicated
Renal/ adrenal tumors
Vascular invasion
Renal isotope scan uses
- Need for surgery: onstructive or nonobstructive hydronephrosis
- Evaluate split renal function
- Monitor effect of therapy
MAG3 isotope
Evaluate Renal function and plasma flow as it is cleared by tubular secretion & no glomerular filtration
Evaluate obstruction and renal function as it is cleared by glomerular filtration
DMSA isotope
Cleared by filtration and secretion
Used to evaluate renal scarring (renal cortical image)
Most common type of kidney injury?
Blunt retroperitoneal
Abdominal distention, nausea and vomiting within 24-48 hr due to retroperitoneal hematoma involving splanchnic nerves
Kidney injury grading
Grade 1: subcapsular hematoma only
Grade 2: perirenal hematoma and <1cm cortical laceration; without urinary extravasation
Grade 3: grade 2+ > 1cm cortical laceration
Grade 4: laceration thru corticomedullary junction with urinary extravasation + segmental vessel injury contained hematoma
Grade 5: shattered kidney, pedicle injury, avulsion
Early complications of kidney injury
1- anuria
2- clot retention
3. Paralytic ileus
4- perinephric abscess
5- urinary fistula
6. Pseudohematohydronephrosis
7. Intraperitoneal hem + peritonitis
Late complications of kidney injury
- Hydronephrosis: periureteral fibrosis
- Nephroptosis: tear of supporting tissue
- Hypertension: fibrosis of kidney
- Aneurysm of renal artery
Gold standard investigation for kidney injury
CT contrast
Initial evaluation test for kidney injury
Lack of parenchymal contrast enhancement using CT contrast suggests
Arterial injury
Why is ultrasound not a gold standard test in renal injury?
It only identifies retroperitoneal hematoma, but does not clearly delneate lacerations or vascular or collecting injuries
When is intravenous pyelography indicated in renal injury
“Single shot’’ intra-operative IVP in haemodynamically unstable patients is better instead of CT (no time)
Indications of nephrectomy
In extensive renal injuries or unstable, patient in a normal contralateral kidney
In an unstable patient with low body temperature and coagulopathy in a normal contralateral kidney
The treatment of choice for the majority of renal injuries is
Non-operative management