Urology Flashcards
What is testicular torsion
torsion/twisting of the spermatic cord. It causes occlusion of testicular blood vessels and, unless prompt action is taken, rapidly leads to ischaemia, resulting in loss of the testis
What age is testicular torsion most common
boys of any age - most commonly in teenagers
Px of testicular torsion
- Sudden onset pain, often so severe that causes vomiting. -> often triggered during sport or physical activity. (only 4-8% caused by trauma).
- testicle is tender
- redness and swelling are Late signs
- abdominal pain
Mx of testicular torsion
- urological emergency and all cases of acute testicular pain are torsion until proven otherwise.
- Surgery (orchiopexy).
What is hypospadias (congenital condition)
- males, where the urethral meatus (the opening of the urethra) is abnormally displaced to the ventral side (underside) of the penis, towards the scrotum.
- Can have chordee - tightening of tissue on underside of penis pulls penis down and it cannot straighten.
Mx of hypospadias
- Dont circumcise
- surgery to correct position of meatus and straighten penis
- palpate testes - undescended testis with hypospadias may suggest disorder of sexual development
Embryology of testes and inguinal canal
- Testicles develop near kidneys in abdomen. Inguinal canal is a pathway that allows testes to leave the abdomen and move into scrotum.
- inguinal canal has deep ring (connects to peritoneal cavity) and superficial ring (connects to scrotum)
- processus vaginalis is a pouch that extends through canal facilitating descent. After descent deep inguinal ring closes and processus vaginalis obliterates.
What can happen if processus vaginalis fails to regress and deep inguinal ring remains open
- indirect inguinal hernia -> peritoneal sac +/- loops of bowel enters inguinal canal.
- Hydrocele -> small amount of fluid can move into tunica vaginalis, around the testicle (communicating hydrocele).
What is a hydrocele and types?
- Abnormal collection of fluid within tunica vaginalis.
- simple hydrocele: fluid is trapped in the tunica vaginalis. Common in neonates.
- Communicating hydrocele: fluid travels (from peritoneal cavity) via processus vaginalis to tunica vaginalis.
Px of hydrocele
- soft, non tender swelling around testes.
- transilluminate with light
Mx of hydrocele
- simple: usually resolve in neonates within 2 years without having effects.
- Communicating: treated with surgery to remove processus vaginalis.
What is an inguinal hernia and types?
protrusion of abdominal contents through abdominal wall and inguinal ring.
- Indirect: protrusion through deep inguinal ring caused by failure of processus vaginalis to regress and inguinal canal to close properly.
- direct: hernia protrudes directly through a weakness in abdominal muscle (more common in elderly).
Inguinal hernia presentation and Tx?
- Swelling in groin that may appear with lifting and can be accompanied by sudden pain
- INDIRECT: pain in scrotum and dragging sensation.
- Tx = surgery
What are undescended testes
Testes develop in abdomen and migrate down, through the inguinal canal and into the scrotum. Normally reached scrotum prior to birth.
- in 5% not made it out of abdomen by birth.
Tx of undescended testes
Orchidopexy: surgical correction carried out between 6-12 months of age. If non-palpable, laparoscopic orchiopexy under GA
What does urinary tract infections include?
Includes urethra, bladder (cystitis), ureters and kidney infections
Px of UTI in infants
- Non-specific
- Fever may be only symptom
- Lethargy, Irritability, vomiting, poor feeding, urinary frequency
Px of UTI in children
More specific:
- Fever
- Abdo pain, particularly suprapubic pain
- Dysuria (painful urination)
- Urinary frequency, incontinence