Gastroenterology Flashcards
8 causes of vomiting
- Overfeeding
- Gastro-oesophageal reflux
- Intestinal obstruction: Pyloric stenosis (projective vomiting), Intussusception, Inguinal hernias, Hirschsprung, Malrotation, Atresia, Volvulus
- Sepsis
- Gastritis or gastroenteritis
- Appendicitis
- Infections such as UTI, tonsillitis or meningitis
Red flag features of vomiting
- Projectile or forceful vomiting (pyloric stenosis or intestinal obstruction)
- Vomiting at end of paroxysmal cough (whooping cough)
- Bile stained vomit (intestinal obstruction)
- Haematemesis (peptic ulcer, oesophagitis or varices)
- Abdominal distention (intestinal obstruction)
- Reduced consciousness, bulging fontanelle or neurological signs (meningitis or raised intracranial pressure)
- Respiratory symptoms (aspiration and infection)
- Blood in the stools (gastroenteritis or cows milk protein allergy)
- Signs of infection (pneumonia, UTI, tonsillitis, otitis or meningitis)
- Rash, angioedema and other signs of allergy (cows milk protein allergy)
What is difference between GOR and GORD in infants
- GOR: gastric contents into oesophagus (+/- regurg, vomiting). [Normal for baby to reflux feeds. Not a problem if normal growth and otherwise well. Usually stops after 1 year.]
- GORD: presence of troublesome symptoms and/or complications of persistent GER.
[Under year doesn’t usually experience same symptoms as children over 1 year/adults: heartburn, acid regurgitation, epigastric pain, bloating.]
Cause of GOR in infants
- immaturity of lower oesophageal sphincter leads to inappropriate relaxation.
- predominantly fluid diet, mainly horizontal posture, short intraabdominal length of oesophagus
Problematic features of GORD
- faltering growth/failure to thrive/ IDA
- oesophagitis +/- stricture
- apnoea
- aspiration, wheezing
- seizure like events
Treatment of uncomplicated reflux in infants (under 1)
- parental reassurance
- small, frequent meals
- Keeping baby upright
Treatment of problematic GORD
- gaviscon
- thickened milk
- ranitidine (h2 receptor antagonist)
- omeprazole (proton pump inhibitor)
- nissen fundiplication
What age does malrotation, pyloric stenosis and intussusception typically present?
malrotation: 24 hours, pyloric stenosis: 4 weeks, intussusception: 6 months
Why is color of vomiting important in diagnosis and what are the causes of bilious vomiting?
- If non-bilious then caused by obstruction above ampulla of vater (junction of bile ducts + duodenum)
- bilious: malrotation/volvulus, hirschsprung, intestinal atresia, intussusception (+/-, depend on site) , strangulated hernia
- non-bilious: pyloric stenosis, intussusception (+/-), inhaled foreign body
Pathology of pyloric stenosis
hypertrophy of the pyloric muscle causing gastric outlet obstruction. Increasing peristalsis as tries to push into duodenum but eventually so powerful pushes food back up and causes projectile vomit.
Features of pyloric stenosis
- presents 2-7 weeks
- projectile, milky, vomiting
- hungry, dehydrated, thin, pale baby. Failure to thrive
- firm, round mass in upper abdomen. ‘Olive-like’
What does blood gas analysis show in pyloric stenosis (common exam q)
- hypocholoraemic (low chloride) metabolic alkalosis
- low plasma sodium (hyponatremia) and potassium (hypokalaemia)
- due to vomiting of Hydrochloric acid from stomach
How to tell metabolic acidosis/alkalosis against respiratory acidosis/alkalosis
pH: Low = acidodis, High = alkalosis
HCO3- High/Low = metabolic alkalosis/metabolic acidosis
CO2 High/Low = respiratory acidosis/respiratory alkalosis
Diagnosis and treatment of pyloric stenosis
Abdo US. Rehydration + correction of electrolyte imbalance followed by Pyloromotomy surgery.
Character of abdo pain in: Appendicitis Intusussception Bowel obstruction Testicular torsion
- Appendicitis: central abdominal pain spreading to the right iliac fossa
- Intussusception: colicky non-specific abdominal pain with redcurrant jelly stools
- Bowel obstruction: pain, distention, absolute constipation and vomiting
- Testicular torsion: sudden onset, unilateral testicular pain, nausea and vomiting
What age is acute appendicitis very unlikely
Under 3 years old
Presentation of appendicitis
- Symptoms: vomiting, abdo pain - central and colicky then right iliac fossa, fever, persistent tenderness with guarding in right iliac fossa
Mx of appendicitis - uncompl + complic.
Uncomplicated: appendicectomy
Complicated: perforation - fluid resus, IV Abx, then appendicetomy
What is non-specific/functional abdo pain
- Non-organic or functional abdominal pain is very common in children over 5 years. This is where no disease process can be found to explain the pain.
- Less severe than in e.g. appendicitis
- DDx: chronic functional pain, IBS, Functional dyspepsia, abdominal migraine
What is intussusception and what sex + age is it most common in?
The bowel invaginates/telescopes in on itself
- male + 3month-2 years
Presentation of intussusception
- colicky abdo pain, vomiting (may be bile stained), constipation (bowel obstr.)
- sausage shaped mass in abdomen
- redcurrant jelly stool
Dx of intussusception
Ultrasound or contrast enema
Mx of intussusception
- enema (contrast, water or air) to pump out invagination
- surgical reduction
- if gangrenous or perforated bowel then resection
Complications of intussusception
obstruction, gangrenous bowel, perforation, sepsis/shock