Urogynaecology and pelvic floor problems Flashcards
What is prolapse?
Descent of the uterus and/or vaginal walls beyond normal anatomical confines
What is a urethrocoele?
Prolapse of the lower anterior vaginal wall, involving the urethra only
What is a cystocoele?
Prolapse of the upper anterior vaginal wall, involving the bladder - this can cause urinary frequency and incomplete bladder emptying
What is an apical prolapse?
Prolapse of the uterus, cervix and upper vagina
What is an enterocoele?
Prolapse of the upper posterior wall of the vagina. The resulting pouch usually contains loops of small bowel.
What is a rectocoele?
Prolapse of the lower posterior wall of the vagina, involving the anterior wall of the rectum
What ligaments support the cervix and upper third of the vagina?
The cardinal and uterosacral ligaments
What ligaments attach the mid portion of the vagina to the pelvic sidewalls laterally?
Endofascial condensation
What supports the lower third of the vagina?
Levator anti muscles (pelvic floor) and perineal body
What causes prolapse?
- Multiple vaginal deliveries and pregnancy
- Congenital factors
- Menopause (deterioration of connective tissue)
- Pelvic surgery
What would a woman with a prolapse describe in a typical history?
A ‘dragging, lump’ sensation, which is usually worse at the end of the day
Ask about bladder and bowel changes, and bleeding or unusual discharge
How should a suspected prolapse be investigated?
- Pelvic ultrasound
- Urodynamic testing
How can a prolapse be treated conservatively?
Pessaries (act like an artificial pelvic floor, and changed every 6-9 months)
- Ring pessary
- Shelf pessary (more severe)
What may be given alongside pessaries to prevent vaginal ulceration?
Topical oestrogen or standard HRT
How can a uterine prolapse be treated surgically?
- Vaginal hysterectomy (doesn’t actually repair the damaged levator ani, can lead to vaginal vault prolapse)
- Hysteropexy (attach uterus and cervix to sacrum using a mesh)
What is a vaginal vault prolapse?
When the upper portion of the vagina loses its normal shape and sags or drops down into the vaginal canal or outside of the vagina
How can a vaginal vault prolapse be treated surgically?
- Sacrocolpopexy (fixes the vault to the sacrum using a mesh)
- Sacrospinous fixation (performed vaginally, suspend the vault to the sacrospinous ligament)