Urogynae TOG articles Flashcards
Proportion of women affected by stress UI?
1 in 3
What is colposuspension used to treat and how is it performed?
Surgical treatment for stress incontinence
Open or laparoscopically
Paravaginal fascia is attached to coopers ligament (iliopectineal ligament)
What is the continence rate after 1 year following colposuspension?
5 years after colposuspension what is the continence rate?
What are the rates of enterocele and rectocele following colposuspension at 5 year follow up?
49% - enterocele
42% - rectocele
Risk of prolapse surgery following colposuspension
7 in 100 women
Risk of de novo overactive bladder following colposuspension
3-8 in 100 women
Risk of colposuspension causing bleeding requiring a blood transfusion or forming a haematoma
2 in 100 women
Risk of colposuspension causing bladder or ureteric injury?
Bladder - 0.4 - 9%
Ureter - 0.2 - 2%
Risk of colposuspension causing dysparaneuia or pelvic pain?
Risk of colposuspension causing urinary retention
25% directly after surgery, 0.7% at month post surgery
What proportion of postmenopausal women are affected by uterine prolapse?
Which patients might Manchester repair be appropriate for?
1) Patients with cervical elongation
2) stage 2 or 3 prolapse who wish to retain their uterus +/- want to retain reproductive function
3) previous pelvic surgery
4) Adverse to mesh surgery
Specific risks of Manchester repair
1) Cervical stenosis leading to haematometra/pyometra
2) Cervical incompetence leading to preterm labour and miscarriage
3) Dyspareunia
Contraindications to Manchester repair
** Inherent risk of developing endometrial cancer as uterus retained** Endometrial cancer HNPCC Cervical cancer Tamoxifen Familial BRCA1 and BRCA2
Which patients might urethral bulking agents be appropriate for?
Stress incontinence
1) Does not want major surgery or mesh
2) Have not completed their family
3) Recurrent SUI after previous surgery
4) Medical co-morb making major surgery risky
Common complications of urethral bulking agents
Pain, urinary tract infection
usually transient symptoms