Subfertility NICE CG156 - first line investigations Flashcards
What is the incidence of natural conception within the general population after trying to conceive for 1 year and the woman is under the age of 40?
What is the cumulative natural conception rate within the general population after trying to conceive for 2 years and the woman is under the age of 40?
What is the incidence of conception for women under 40 with 6 cycles of intrauterine insemination?
> 50%
What is the cumulative pregnancy rate for women under 40 with 12 cycles of intrauterine insemination?
What type of sperm has higher pregnancy rates with Intrauterine insemination?
Fresh sperm has higher pregnancy rates than frozen-thawed sperm
Which artificial insemination procedure is associated with higher pregnancy rates?
Intrauterine insemination has higher pregnancy rates than intracervical insemination
How often should couples have sexual intercourse to try to conceive?
2-3 X per week
How much alcohol should couples trying to conceive drink?
Women – max 1-2 units 1-2 x per week
Men – max 3-4 units per day
What should couples trying to conceive be advised about smoking?
Women – advised smoking reduces fertility even passive smoking and refer to smoking cessation
Men – evidence that smoking reduces sperm quality but impact on male fertility is uncertain
What should couples trying to conceive be advised about BMI?
Women BMI >/=30 – will take longer to conceive
Women BMI >/= 30 and irregular periods/not ovulation – weight loss will improve chance of conception
Women BMI =19 and irregular periods – weight gain will improve chance of conception
Men BMI >/=30 – they are likely to have reduced fertility
Which patients are recommended to take 5mg folic acid?
Previous neural tube defect
What lifestyle measures can be used to improve a couples chance of conception?
Weight control – increase if 19 or less, reduce if >/= 30
Regular intercourse 2-3 x per week
Alcohol intake control (1-2 units 1-2 x per week women)
Smoking cessation
No evidence that caffeine affects fertility
For women under the age of 36, when should the couple be referred for fertility investigations?
After 12 months of regular sexual intercourse
After 6 cycles of artificial insemination
13) When should couples have an early referral for fertility investigations?
Women 36 years or older
When there is a known cause of subfertility or possible pre-disposing factors
Cancer treatment is planned which would affect fertility
What are the normal parameters for semen analysis? volume?
> /= 1.5ml
What are the normal parameters for semen analysis? concentration?
> /= 15 million/ml
What are the normal parameters for semen analysis? ph?
> /= 7.2
What are the normal parameters for semen analysis? total sperm number?
> /= 39 milliion per ejaculate
What are the normal parameters for semen analysis? motility?
> 40% motile or 32% progressively motile
What are the normal parameters for semen analysis? vitality?
> /= 58% alive
What are the normal parameters for semen analysis? morphology?
> /= 4% normal morphology
What should you do if first semen analysis is abnormal
Repeat the semen analysis
In 3 months or as soon as possible if there are no sperm or very low sperm count
What tests should not be carried out as initial fertility investigations?
Anti-sperm antibodies (relevance uncertain)
Post cervical cervical mucus
Ovarian volume or blood flow to predict IVF success
Inhibin B or oestradiol to predict IVF success
Routine prolactin and thyroid levels
Endometrial biopsy to assess luteal phase
Hysteroscopy as a first line investigation
What is the first line predictor of success of natural conception and IVF?
Maternal age
18) What is the annual fertility rate from natural conception for women aged 25-29, aged 30-34, aged 35-39, aged 40-44, age 45 and above?
25-29 45-48% 30-34 40-45% 35-39 35-40% 40-44 10-30% 45+ <10%
Which measures can be used to predict a woman’s response to gonadotrophins simulation in IVF?
Total antral follicle count
Anti-mullerian hormone
What predicted as a low response and a high response result for total antral follicle count?
Predicted low response = 4
Predicted high response >/= 16
What predicted as a low response and a high response result for anti-mullerian hormone?
Predicted low response = 5.4 pmol/l
Predicted high response >/= 25pmol/l
What predicted as a low response and a high response result for FSH?
Predicted low response = 8.9 IU/l
Predicted high response >/= 4 IU/l
Who should prolactin be measured in?
Women with an ovulatory disorder
Known pituitary tumour
Which women should be offered HSG and which women should be offered lap dye test?
HSG – no known co-morbidities to assess tubal patency
Lap dye test – known or suspected endometriosis, previous ectopic pregnancy, PID
Which tests are performed to investigate female factor infertility?
Blood tests – all women should have a mid-luteal phase progesterone, if ovulation disorder/known pituitary tumour/galactorrhoea - test prolactin, if menstrual irregularity – test LH and FSH, if signs of thyroid dysfunction test thyroid
Viral screen pre IVF – HIV, Hep B, Hep C
HSG if no comorbidities, lap dye test if suspected or known endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy, PID
Which tests are performed to investigate male factor infertility?
Semen analysis
What is the role of rubella testing and vaccination?
Test for rubella and those who are susceptible should be offered vaccine and should not fall pregnant within 1 month of the vaccine
What factors reduce the risk of HIV transmission from a male HIV positive partner to female HIV negative partner to “negligible levels”?
Viral count <50 copies/ml
Compliant with HAART
No other infection present
Unprotected Intercourse just around time of ovulation
Who do you offer sperm washing for?
Pre insemination when the man is HIV positive and is not compliant with HAART, or plasma viral count >50 copies/ml
Or the risk of HIV transmission is low but still unacceptable for the couple
Sperm washing lowers likelihood of pregnancy
Do not offer for patients with hepatitis B
When might post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV be considered?
No evidence for its use in couples that meet low risk of transmission criteria
What should be provided to couples where one of the partners is hepatitis B positive?
Hepatitis B vaccine to unaffected partner before fertility treatment
What proportion of subfertility is unexplained?
25% (NICE) 30-40% (TOG16)
What proportion of subfertility is male factor?
What proportion of subfertility is tubal factor?
What proportion of subfertility is caused by ovulatory disorders?
What proportion of subfertility is caused by uterine and peritoneal disorders?
What proportion of subfertility is caused by both female and male factors?