Urogynae Flashcards
Which organism is the most common cause of UTIs
Escherichia coli
List organisms commonly causing UTIs
Gram neg :
Klebsiela pneumonia
Enterobacter spp
Proteus spp
Gram positive:
Group B strep
In immunocompromised :
Viruses: adenovirus, cmv
List the predisposing factors for UTIs (5)
Immunocompromised: HIV, malnutrition, cancer
List the complications of acute pyelonephritis (4)
Septicaemia and septic shock
Abscess (intrarenal or perinephric)
Chronic pyelonephritis
Renal failure
List the 4 types of urinary incontinence
- Overactive bladder syndrome
-uncontrolled involuntary detrusor muscle contractions during filling that a pt can’t suppress - Genuine stress incontinence
-involuntary loss of urine during physical exertion or straining - Overflow incontinence
-involuntarily loss of urine due to bladder being full. In the absence of detrusor contraction or increase in abdominal pressure - True incontinence
-urinary leakage. Urine is lost via any other route other than the urethra ei urinary fistula or ectopic ureter
Outline the classifications of overactive bladder (2)
Unstable detrusor: no disturbance in CNS
Detrusor hyperreflexia: there is a disturbance in CNS causing overactive bladder
Which type of urinary incontinence is most common in elderly women
Detrusor overactivity
List the symptoms of detrusor overactivity
Urgency incontinence
Nocturnal enuresis
Incontinence during coitus
List the differential diagnosis for detrusor overactivity (4)
Carcinoma of bladder
Radiation damage to bladder (radiation cystitis)
Bladder stones
Discuss the management of detrusor overactivity
Lifestyle changes and physiotherapist
-Reduce fluid intake esp in evening
-Avoid caffeine and alcohol
-Weight loss
-If on diuretics, advise taking them in the morning
-Bladder drill- pt taught to increase interval between voiding in half hour increments. Initially beginning with hourly bladder emptying
1. Anticholinergic agents:
-Oxybutynin 2.5mg bd up to 5mg tds (Ditropan)
Lyrinel once a day slow release is available (better side effects)
-Tolterodine (Detrusitol) / Solufenicin (Vesicare)
2. Antimuscurinic agents show selectivity for blade over salivary glands decreasing side effects
3. TCAs
a)Imipramine or ethipramine
-useful in nocturia, enuresis&urgency.
-has anticholinergic, anti adrenergic effects and inhibits uptake of noradrenalin and serotonin.
b) Betmiga (mirabegron)
Enhances urinary storage by stimulating beta adrenoceptors increasing mean voided volume and decreasing frequency
Invasive botulinum toxin injection into detrusor muscle (prevents release of acetylcholine)
Clam cystoplasty (increasing size of bladder)
Ileal conduit (urine diverted from bladder to reservoir in ileum ie stroma bag)
List the side effects of anticholinergic agents in managing incontinence(4)
Dry mouth
Dry eyes
What is the contraindication for anticholinergic drugs
Closed angie glaucoma
Outline the classification of stress incontinence
Urethral hyper mobility : Urethra and bladder neck are mobile
Intrinsic sphincter defect : internal sphincter defective, urethra and bladder in correct anatomical position
List some of the causes of intrinsic sphincter defect (3)
Prev surgery in periurethral area
Pelvic radiotherapy
List some of the causes of urethral hyper mobility (3)
Weakened pelvic support (elderly)
Discuss the management of stress incontinence
-Fluid intake 1:5-2l a day
-reduce exacerbating factors eg cough, constipation
-Weight loss
-pelvic floor exercises
-intravaginal insertion of weighted cones
-Vaginal foam tampons
Tension free vaginal tape *gold standard
-placed under midurethra
Burch colposuspension
Pubovaginal sling/ Fascial sling
Urethral bulking agents if unfit for surgery
What are the advantages of tension free vagina tape (4)
Minimally invasive
Minimal perioperative morbidity
Short hospital stay
High long term continence rate (>80% at 17 yrs)
What is the aetiology of overflow incontinence (overdistended bladder)
Decreased bladder sensation from:
-Spinal cord lesions
Bladder outlet obstruction
Prev surgery
List the symptoms of overflow incontinence (4)
Intermittent wetness
Repeated UTIs
Symptoms of voiding dysfunction
Ongoing leaking or dribbling urine
Feeling of bladder fullness even after urinating
Urine stream that stops and restarts during urination
Difficulty urinating even while feeling urge it utinate
List the causes of urinary leakage / True incontinence
-following bladder or ureteric injury at hysterectomy
-poor obstetrics practice
-radiotherapy for cervical carcinoma