Amenorrhea Flashcards
Differentiate between primary and secondary amenorrhea
Primary is when one has never had their period and can have or not have secondary sex characteristics
Secondary is when one has had a period but now has had a 3-6 months of no periods
Outline the main causes of primary amenorrhea (5)
Errors in genital differentiation
Errors in gonaductal development
Errors in gonadal development
Disturbance in hypothalamic-pirtuitary axis
Follicles unresponsive to gonadotropins
Outline the causes of secondary amenorrhea
(Think of glands and hormones contributing to periods)
Hypothalamus- Stress, Anorexia, Athlete
Pituitary- Prolactinoma, Tumour, Sheehan syndrome (infarct in brain/pirtuitaary)
Thyroid- Hypothyroidism (=hyperprolectemia)
Adrenals- Addisons, Cushing’s syndrome
Ovaries- Gonodal dysgenesis eg Turner syndrome, POF(premature ovarian failure), luteal cysts, PCOS
Uterus- Asherman syndrome
Cervix- stenosis of cervix
List some of the long term issues of PCOS
Endometrial cancer
Metabolic syndrome
Outline the Rotterdam criteria for diagnosing PCOS
- Oligo/Amenorrhea
- Virilising features -Clinically of Biochemically
- PCO on Scan
What investigations do you do for someone presenting with Amenorrhea
Glucose & insulin
What is the criteria from investigation in a woman presenting with amenorrhea(6)
Delayed puberty (14 with no secondary sex characteristics)
Delayed monarch (16 with secondary sex characteristics but no period)
Signs of hyperandrogenisms
Ambiguous genitalia
Dysmorphic features
Amenorrhea for a time equivalent to at least 3 prev cycles
What should be the average thickness of endometrium
List some of the features of Turner’s syndrome (5)
Webbed neck
High arched palate
Low set ears
Low posterior hairline
Epicanthal folds
Increased carrying angle of arms
Shield like chest
Wide spaced nipples
CVS: coarctation of aorta
Renal abnormalities
Shortened fourth and fifth digit
Lymphoedema at birth
List 5 clinical features of PCOS on presentation
Amenorrhea /oligo
Male pattern balding
Acanthosis nigricans
List the features of US in a pt with PCOS (4)
Large volume ovaries (>10m2)
Peripheral distribution of follicles
12 or more follicle of 2-9mm
Dense stroma
Describe PCOS pathophysiology
(To watch YT video on it)
Discuss the management of PCOS
Obese -weight loss, diet
Imsulin resistance : metformin
Hyperandrogens: therapy antiandrogens
Oligo/ amenorrhea: Contraceptives(COC, mirena or depot)
Fertility: IVF, clomifene?
How do you diagnose PCOS (3) (Rotterdam criteria)
Hyperandregens (hirsuitims, acne, male pattern balding)
What investigations would you do for someone presenting with features of PCOS (hirsutism and infertility for eg)
Oligo/amenorrhea: FSH, LH
Hyperandrogens : serum testosterone
Insulin resistance: Insulin, Glucose, Lipids
Adrenal pathology: 17 alpha hydro-progesterol for CAH, DHEAS (acanthosis nigricans may be present on exam)
List the causes of hyperandrogens (3)
Adrenal : CAH, Cushings
Ovary: Tumours
List some of the end organ causes of amenorrhea (5)
- Congenital
- Imperforate hymen- Transverse vaginal septum - Vaginal agenesis - Mayer – Rokitansky – Küster – Hauser Syndrome - Disorders of sexual differentiation
-Asherman syndrome
-TB endometrium