Urogenital Tract Infection Flashcards
Laboratory diagnosis of syphylis
• Dark ground microscopy
• Direct IF staining for T. pallidum (DFA-TP))
• Silver impregnation method
> Levaditi stain (for tissue section)
> Fontana stain (smear)
Culture: Not cultivable, maintained in rabbit testes
Serology (antibody detection)
• Non-treponemal or STS (standard tests for syphilis): Reagin antibodies are detected by using cardiolipin antigen
> VDRL (Venereal disease research laboratory) test
RRR. (Rapid plasma reagin)
> TRUST (totuidine red unheated serum test)
> USR (Unheated serum reagin test).
Specific/Treponemal test: Specific antibodies are detected by using T. pallidum antigens
TPI. (Treponema pallidum immobilization test)
FTA-ABS (Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test)
TPA (T. pallidum agglutination test)
TPHA (T. pallidum hemagglutination test)
TPPA (T. pallidum particle agglutination test).
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Gonoccocal urethritis
Endocervical culture has a sensitivity of 80-90%. As cervical swabs contain normal flora, hence, Selective media are preferred, such as Thayer Martin medium (chocolate agar added with antibiotics).
Blood culture (using automated blood culture systems) and synovial fluid cultures should be done in suspected cases of DGI.
Species identification is important to differentiate gonococci from other commensal Neisseria species.
• Gonococci are catalase and oxidase posidive
• They ferment only glucose, but not maltose and sucrose
• Automated systems such as MALDI-TOP can be used.
Molecular Method
Nucleic acid amplification tests
such as PCR a
available for detection of N. gonorrhoeae from the clinical specimens targeting 16s or 23s RNA gene.
Gonococcal urethrilis
PAINLESS GENITAL ulcer diagnosis?
Culture of syphillis?
Not cultivable stored in the rabbit testis
History of white pus discharging through urethra?
2.vaginal discharge with kidney shaped gram negative cocci
1.Gonoccocal urethritis
1.painful micturation
What is the treatment for gonoccal urethritis?dlosage
1.cetriaxone 250mg IM single dose
2.cefixime 400mg oral
Prophylaxis of gonococcal urethritis
of two
There is no vaccination available for gonococci. The general
1. Ch
prophylactic measures include:
2. Cl
Early detection of cases
Treatment of both partners
Tracing of cohtacts
Health education about Safe sex practices such as use of
- Selective media used in gonoccal urethritis
2.molecular method in GU is for the detection of
2.THAYER matrin medium
2.16or23s DNA
Common microorganisms causing UTI
A.gram negative bacilli
B.gram positive bacilli
C.gram positive cocci
How is specimen of urine collected in UTI?
2.how is direct examination done in uti
3what is the culture used in UTI
4.treatment for uti ? Code