Urogenital Development Flashcards
What is the process of the 3 germ layer formation?
1) primitive streak
2) epiblast migration
3) hypoblast displace –> endoderm
4) more epiblast migration –> mesoderm
5) remaining epiblast –> ectoderm
How is the nephrogenic ridge and genital ridge made?
mesoderm –> intermediate mesoderm –> nephrogenic ridge and genital ridge
What is the mesonephros?
It is a midline along which cells migrate and proliferate since the body folds and makes cavities.
Mesonephros –> genital ridge (gonads) and mesonephric ridge (kidneys)
What is within the mesonephric ridge?
The nephrogenic cord and mesonephric duct = wolffian duct
What are the 3 sets of kidney in early development?
Pronephros, Mesonephros, Metanephros
How is the mesonephric kidney formed?
Mesonephric ridge has wolffian duct and Nephrogenic cord –> mesonephric tubule –gets long–> bowman’s capsule. Aorta makes blood vessels towards tubule = glomerulus. These make up the renal corpuscle and with the tubule = functional mesonephric excretory unit.
Which kidney virtually non functional early on?
What happens to the mesonephric (wolffian) duct in females and males?
Regresses in females and becomes part of male genital system.
What occurs at the renal corpuscle?
Urine exchange.
How is the metanephric kidney made?
Mesonephric tubule –> ureteric bud towards metanephrogenic mesenchyme. Then reciprocal induction –> mesenchyme makes epithelium = renal tubules. When ureteric bud and mesenchyme meet at (renal pelvis), mesenchyme tells bud what to do: bifurcate or regress. During regression –> branches collapse –> major and minor calyces.
Which developmental kidneys becomes the adult kidney?
How do the kidneys get their position?
They first develop under cloaca and then rotate and ascend to adult position. They move up to meet adrenal glands that are already in place. The renal artery is originally branch off common iliac but when kidneys move up, new arteries are made for the new position.
Where does amniotic fluid come from?
Kidneys make fetal urine which can replenish amniotic fluid.
Why is amniotic fluid important?
It suspends fetus.
Are the fetal kidneys necessary for fetal exchange of waste products?
No. Fluid can go to placenta for waste transfer.
How is the bladder formed?
Mesonephric and metanephric open into cloaca –> excrete waste through allantois because cloaca does not have own opening yet. Also,
What happens to the allantois in adults?
It degenerates –> urachus/median umbilical fold or ligament.
What parts of the cloaca/allantoid become what parts of the bladder?
(from cleft in urogenital sinus)
Vesicular part –> most of bladder
Pelvic part –> urethra (complete in females and prostatic in males)
Phallic part –> spongy urethra in males
What is the trigone area and what is it made from?
Area where ureter enters bladder and it is formed by ends of mesonephric ducts (mesoderm) and endoderm.
When happens to the mesonephric ducts in males and females?
In males it becomes vas deferens and in females it regresses.
What is renal agenesis? What are the types?
Unilateral: one kidney only
Hypoplastic: partial second kidney made
Bilateral: no kidneys = death
What is the developmental anomaly in which 2 kidneys are on 1 side or one of the kidneys do not ascend?
Pelvic kidney.
What is a horseshoe kidney?
Mesenchyme for independent kidneys touch.
What is it called if extra renal arteries do not degenerate?
Accessory renal arteries. More than 1 renal artery is constricted = segmental necrosis
What is oligohydramnios?
Insufficient amount of amniotic fluid.
What is a bifid ureter?
If ureter bud bifurcates before reaching the mesenchyme –> 2 ureters
What is the condition when the ureter bud does not migrate down from mesonephric duct and so the mature ureter will attach in wrong place?
Ectopic ureter.
What are the developmental anomalies associated with the allantoid/urachus?
Urachal fistuala: stays open –> urine leaks out of umbilicus
Urachal sinus: partial closure –> fluid collects in umbilicus
Urachal cyst: isolated opening or pouch in urachus
What is ARPKD and ADPKD?
Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease: infantile –> blocks collecting duct –> need fetal kidney transplant
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: adult –> more variable cysts and may not totally block ureter –> maybe kidney failure
Why can’t we tell gender of fetus until 5th week?
Everyone starts off the same. Week 4: mesoderm from yolk sac become germ cells and endoderm become primordial germ cells. Week 5: migrate up yolk sac to genital/gonadal ridges. Week 6: we can see y chromosome which means primoridial germ cells –> medullary and cortical tissue –> testes and ovary
What are the seminiferous tubules and what do they secrete?
Paramesonephric duct (mullerian) and mesonephric duct. They secrete anti-mullerian hormone to prevent uterus formation.
Why don’t females have connection between the mesonephric tubules and ovaries?
Anti-wolffian hormone.
How do primordial germ cells know to become testes or ovaries?
If Y chromosome present = SRY switch –> testes-determing factor (TDF) expressed = testes. If not Y then ovaries.
What happens when the SRY switch is on?
Steroideodenesis factor –> sertoli and leydig cells. Sertoli = anti-mullerian hormone; leydig cells = testosterone.
What is Wnt 4 and is it expressed when SRY is on or off?
Ovarian determining gene is expressed when the switch is off.
Do male or females keep the mullerian duct? What does it become?
Females - becomes uterus and vaginal opening at midline, and fallopian tubes more distally.