Urine concentrations and Water Balance (lesson 3) Flashcards
What much urine is produced daily?
What happens if urine stays in the collecting ducts?
The more time urine spends time in the collecting ducts, the more connected it will be (darker in colour)
Factors affecting urine production and simple definitions
1) Temperature: Urine decreases
2) Water consumption: Urine increases
3) Exercise: Makes large amount of concentrated urine
4) Protein consumption: The more proteins consumed, the more AA available to body. When AA is broken down, urea will be produced ,increases urine production
5) Salt consumption: More salt consumed, more water needed to remove the salt, increase concentration of urine
What is kidney threshold level?
When there is so much excess wates that the kidney doesn’t reabsorb as much, leaving the wastes in your urine.
How does the kidney manage homeostasis?
1) Balancing pH of blood: Kidneys reabsord and secrete ions to balance blood ph
2) Balancing water level: When water levels are low, ADH is released to increase absorption of water
3) Managing body salt: When salt levels are low, aldosterone is released to increase absorption of sodium
What type of ions make blood acidic?
H+ ions decreases blood pH, making it acidic