Urinary tract Flashcards
Each ureter usually measures _____ long; diameter of _____ but is narrower at three sites ____, ___, ___.
25-30 cm long
> The junction of the pelvis and ureter.
The pelvic brim
The intravesical ureter where it runs through the muscular bladder
a pyramidal muscular organ when empty. It has a triangular-shaped base
Urinary bladder
ncomplete fusion of upper and lower pole
moieties resulting in complete or incomplete duplication of the
collecting system
Dulex collecting system
duplex collecting system - a duplex kidney draining into:
___ ureter - i.e. duplex kidney’s duplication pelvicalcyeal systems
uniting at the pelvi-ureteric junction (PUJ)
___ ureter (ureter fissus) - two ureters that unite before emptying into
the bladder
___ ureter (complete duplication) two ureters that drain separately
into the bladder or genital tract
Orthotopic ureter
ectopic urter
Orthotopic ureter: drains lower pole and
enters bladder near trigone
Ectopic ureter: drains upper pole and enters
bladder inferiorly and medially (WeigertMeyer rule); the ectopic ureter may be
stenotic and obstructed
Drooping lily sign
a urographic sign of duplicated renal collecting system. It refers to the inferolateral displacement of the opacified lower pole moiety due to an obstructed (and relatively unopacified) upper pole moiety.
n duplicated collecting system it is classically the upper pole ureter that is obstructed due to a ureterocoele and the lower pole ureter that refluxes
Most common congenital anomaly of th GUT in neonates.
Intrinsic, 80%: defect in circular muscle bundle
of renal pelvis
• Extrinsic, 20%: renal vessels (lower pole artery
or vein)
Congenital ureteropelvic junction
(UPJ) obstruction
s an incidental finding which mimics hydronephrosis. It is a result of
underdevelopment of the renal medullary pyramids with resultant
enlargement of the calyces.
Congenital megacalyces
Congenital megacalyces is more frequently seen in _____ (M/F).
The renal pelvis is of normal size helping to distinguish _____
from hydronephrosis.
In addition to enlargement of the calyces there is often also polycalycosis (increased number of calyces); they are crowded and multifaceted with a mosaic-like appearance.
Congenital ,egacalyces
Outpouching of calyx into corticomedullary region.
(PYELO)Calyceal diverticulum
(PYELO)Calyceal diverticulum
Type I: originates from
• Type II: originates from
• Type III: originates from
minor calyx
renal pelvis
Imahing features of (PYELO) Calyceal diverticulum
Cystic lesion connects through channel with collecting
• If the neck is not obstructed, diverticula opacify retrograde from the
collecting system on delayed IVP films.
• May contain calculi or milk of calcium, 50%
This imaging feature on sonography is pathognomic of a
pyelocalyceal diverticulum.
presence of mobile, echogenic and
dependent layering due to milk of