Urinary System Development Flashcards
What component between the somite and the lateral plate mesoderm is the urinary and reproductive system derived from?
Intermediate mesoderm
What induces the kidney-forming ability of the intermediate mesoderm?
Paraxial mesoderm
During proneohros, Cells of the intermediate mesoderm and cervical region give rise to what two layers with what in between them?
Inner visceral layer and outer parietal layer with nephrocele between them
How do the pronephric tubules form?
Nephrotomes grow out from parietal (dorsal) wall
The distal ends of the pronephric tubules grows and extends laterally then moves caudally fusing together to form what?
Pronephric duct
How do the first glomeruli start to form in the pronephros stage?
Starts as tufts of capillaries branching from the dorsal aorta. The tufts push and invaginate into wall of the pronephric tubule to form internal glomeruli
Around the post-somite stage of development, a column of tissue grows called the what?
Urogenital ridge
In what stage do the renal corpuscles form?
What two structures give rise to the metanephros excretory organ?
Outgrowth of the Mesonephric duct called the ureteric bud
Region of urinary ridge called metanephric mass or blastema
How is the renal pelvis formed?
Widening of the ureteric bud
What part of the kidney is marked by renal corpuscles and proximal and distal convoluted tubules?
What part of the kidney is marked by loops of henle and collecting ducts?
The medulla
What are the 5 components of the outer stripe of outer medulla?
Proximal straight tubules, thin tubules of loop of henle or renal loop, distal straight tubules, collecting ducts, vasa recta
What are the 4 components of the inner stripe of outer medulla?
Thin tubules of renal loop, distal straight tubules, collecting ducts, vasa recta
What are the three components of the inner medulla zone?
Collecting ducts, thin tubules of renal loop, vasa recta
What grows towards the cloacal membrane dividing the cloaca into rectum and Urogenital sinus?
Urorectal septum
What develops from the pelvic region of Urogenital sinus following cloacal partitioning?
The bladder
What does the distal end of the allantois relative to the bladder form?
In the male, as the bladder grows, it incorporates the terminal parts of what two ducts?
Mesonephric and ureteric
What region of the bladder is triangular in the dorsal wall of the bladder marks the region of the region of the Mesonephric duct and ureteric bud incorporation?
What is renal agenesis?
It is the complete absence of one or both kidneys and can be associated with absence of ureter
Unilateral most common form in pigs
How does renal agenesis form?
Results from a failure of the development of one or both ureteric buds
What is renal hypoplasia?
Substantially small kidneys due to immature glomeruli and tubules
What are two types of migration defects of kidneys and which one is more common?
Ectopic kidney (most common) and crossed ectopia
What is ectopic kidney?
A kidney is left in the pelvic cavity
What is crossed ectopia?
One kidney and it’s associated ureter on the same side as the other kidney
What is a horseshoe kidney?
Kidneys become fused at inferior poles
What is a polycystic kidney?
Multiple cysts form in the kidney making the organs grossly enlarged
How does a polycystic kidney develop?
It is the result of the failure of developing nephrons to connect with their collecting ducts (accumulation of urine within the nephrons that are isolated from the collecting ducts)
What is an ectopic ureter?
Results from the improper development of the metanephric duct systems. Females are more affected than males
What is urachal remnants?
Congenital anomaly resulting from incomplete urachal closure (patent urachus)
What embryonic germ layer is the embryonic origin of mammary glands, hypothalamus, pituitary, penis and clitoris?
What embryonic germ layer is the embryonic origin of male and female gonads, uterus, cervix, part of vagina, epididymis, ductus deferens, and accessory sex glands?
What embryonic germ layer is the embryonic origin of digestive system, respiratory system, most glands, and portions of the vagina and vestibule
What is the initial step in sex determination in mammals?
Begins with fertilization by sperm
During formation of mesoderm and endoderm, a population of epiblast cells are put aside for formation of what?
The germ line
What are displaced from the embryonic disk to the definitive yolk sac and part of the allantois?
Primordial germ cells (PGCs)
What is the gonadal ridge also known as? Why?
Bipotential gonad because capable of developing into either ovary or testes
What happens when primordial germ cells arrive in the gonadal ridge?
Stimulates cells around them to proliferate causing ridge elongation
What are the 3 origins of gonadal (genital) ridge cells?
Local mesenchymal cells
Coelomic epithelium
Cells from mesonephric tubules
Cells from degenerating mesonephric tubules form compact strands of tissue called what?
Primitive sex cords
Primitive sex cords incorporate with what?
Primordial germ cells
As the mesonephric duct is developing, what appears beside it?
Paramesonephric ducts
In what species are males heterogametic and females homogametic?