urinary system Flashcards
what are the functions of the urinary system?
- production, storage, excretion of urine
- homeostasis regulation of blood
how does the urinary system regulate hemostasis of blood?
- regulating blood volume & pressure
- regulating plasma ion concentrations
- stabilizing blood ph
- conserving nutrients
- regulating red blood cell production (erythropoiesis)
retroperitoneal means
behind the membrane (peritoneum) that lines the wall of the abdominal cavity
what organ is retroperitoneal?
collecting system of kidney consists of?
minor calyx -> major calyx -> renal pelvis -> ureter
what is a renal calculi or calculus
kidney stone
renal calculi can get up to ____ mm
calcium oxalate stones are caused by?
- dehydration
- low urine output
- high Na diet
- high oxalate intake
- high protein intake
Which type of renal calculi (kidney stone) is most preventable?
calcium oxalate stones
struvite (infection) stones caused by?
- urinary tract infection
- urease-producing bacteria
which type of stone is more likely in female? why>
struvite stones - come from UTIs which are more common in women
calcium oxalate stones make up what % of all stones?
stuvite stones make up what % of all stones?
what is the glomerulus?
ball-shaped capillary bed
the nephron (intact corpuscle) of the kidney consists of?
- distal convoluted tubule
- nephron loop
- proximal convoluted tubules
- renal corpuscle
the (transected corpuscle) Nephron consists of?
- proximal convoluted tubule
- glomerulus
- glomerular capsule
- distal convoluted tubule
function unit of the kidney is?
the renal corpuscle consists of?
- glomerular (“bowmans) capsul
- glomerulus
create filtration slits in renal corpuscle
what are the key processes urine formation?
- glomerular filtration
- tubular reabsorption
- tubular secretion
what is glomerular filtration?
the movement of substances from the blood within the glomerulus into the capsular space
what is tubular reabsporption?
the movement of substances from the tubular fluid back into the blood
what is tubular secretion?
the movement of substances from the blood into the tubular fluid
what path does urine leave the body
ureters -> bladder -> urethra -> gone
urinary bladder function
urine storage & elimination
the internal urethral sphincter is…
smooth muscle
external urethral sphincter is….
skeletal muscle
what is the exit tube
what is the renal lobe?
one renal pyramid with surrounding cortical tissue
numbers 1-4

- kidney
- ureter
- urinary bladder
- urethra
numbers 1-4

- minor calyx
- major calyx
- renal pelvis
- ureter

- renal calculi
- renal calculus

- renal artery
- segmental artery
- interLOBAR artery
- arcuate artery
- interLOBULAR

- afferent arteriole
- glomerulus
- efferent arteriole
9-14 (Blue vessels)

- peritubular capillaries
- vasa recta
- interlobular vein
- arcuate vein
- interlobar vein
- renal vein

- nephron (intact corpuscle)
- nephron (transected corpuscle)

- distal convoluted tubule
- collecting duct
- renal corpuscle
- proximal convoluted tubule
- nephron loop (loop of Henle)

- renal coruscle
- glomerular (bowmans) capsule
- glomerulus

- efferent arteriole
- afferent arteriole
- bowmans capsule
- glomeerular capillary
- podocytes

proximal convoluted tubule

- nephron loop
- descending limb
- ascending limb

distal convoluted tubule

collecting duct

- efferent arteriole
- peritubular capillaries
- interlobular vein
- interlobular artery
- afferent arteriole
- peritubular capillaries (vasa recta)

- detrusor muscle
- internal urethral sphincter
- external urethral sphincter
- urethra

- transitional epithelium
- detrusor muscle

- prostatic urethra
- membranous urethra
- spongy urethra