Urinary Incontinence Flashcards
What are the types of incontience?
- stress urinary incontinence
- urgency urinary incontinence
- mixed urinary incontinence
- overflow incontinence (chronic urinary retention)
- functional incontinence
- over active bladder
What is the most common type of incontinence?
Over active bladder
What is stress urinary incontinence?
The complaint of involuntary leakage on effort or exertion or sneezing or coughing
Due to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure/stress
What is urgency urinary incontinence?
The complaint of involuntary leakage of urine accompanied by or immediately proceeded by urgency
Due to involuntary contraction of bladder muscles
What is mixed urinary incontinence?
The complaint of involuntary leakage of urine associated with urgency and also with excretion, effort, sneezing or coughing
What is overflow incontinence (chronic urinary retention)?
The involuntary release of urine when bladder becomes overly full due to a weak bladder muscle or blockage
Causes of overflow incontinence
- anticholinergic meds
- fibroids
- pelvic tumours
- neurological conditions e.g. MS, diabetic neuropathy
What is over active bladder?
A frequent + sudden urge to urinate that may be difficult to control
Detrusor muscle contracts when it shouldn’t be
What is functional incontinence?
when a person is usually aware of the need to urinate, but for one or more physical or mental reasons they are unable to get to a toilet
often due to cognitive impairment or behavioural problems
Prevalence of urinary incontinence with age
Urgency incontinence (most)
Mixed incontinence
Stress (least)
Gradual increase with age with peaks after child birthing age + menopause in women+ older age
Risk factors of incontinence
- pregnancy
- pelvic surgery
- race
- anatomical or neurological abnormalities
- menopause
- increased inta-abdominal pressure
- increasing age
- obesity
Classifications of lower urinary tract symptoms
Post micturition
List lower urinary tract storage symptoms
- increased frequency
- urgency
- nocturia
- incontinence
List lower urinary tract voiding symptoms
- slow stream
- spitting or spraying
- intermittency
- hesitancy
- straining
- terminal dribble
List lower urinary tract post micturition symptoms
- post-micturition dribble
- feeling of incomplete emptying
Why does menopause promote incontinence?
- less oestrogen
- oestrogen helps strengthen pelvic floor muscles > loss of tone in menopause
- urethra passes through pelvic floor
How much volume is polyuria?
More than 3L a day
Difference between increased frequency of urination and polyuria
- Polyuria is excreting > 3L per day
- Increased frequency is a normal volume but need the toilet more times.
Specific history questions to determine the type of urinary incontience
- fluid intake (particularly tea + coffee)
- previous pelvic surgery
- history of large babies
- how long symptoms have occurred for
- symptoms of uterovaginal prolapse
+ faecal incontinence (relates to menopause)
If urinary incontinence is suspected to be due to neurological damage, what dermatomes need to be examined?
‘S2,3,4 keeps the wee and poo off the floor’
Investigations of urinary incontinence
- urine dipstick: MANDATORY - UTI, haematuria, proteinuria, glucosuria
- midstream urine test
- frequency volume chart/bladder diary >3 days
- post micturition residual volume/bladder scan - catheterise (voiding dysfunction)
- urodynamic tests
- prostate assessment in men
- external genitalia review