Urinary elimination Flashcards
- Urethral opening is below normal placement on glans of penis (ventral surface-underside)
- May also have short chordee (fibrous band of the penis, will cause it to curve downward)
Dorsal placement of urethral opening
undescended testes and inguinal hernia
surgical correction of hypospadius, epispadius, and chordee is preformed?
- 12-18 months of age
- no circumcision
- stent
- One or both testes fail to descend through the inguinal canal into the scrotal sac
- Testis may be retractable
- In 85% right testis is affected
- The affected side or bilateral scrotum appears flaccid or smaller than normal
- Unknown why this fails: Increased abd pressure, Hormonal influences
Cryptorchidism management?
- Observation for first year
- HCG - stimulates testosterone production and helps with descent
- If testis fail to descend between 1-2 years of age then surgical treatment: Orchiopexy
____________ necessary before child can control bowel and bladder function; occurs between 12-18 months
myelination of spinal chord
child is usually not ready for potty training until ?
- 18-24 months
- Waiting until 24-30 months makes the job easier
urinates regularly?
1.5 years
aware of voiding
2 years
can hold urine?
2.5 years
daytime control
3 years
nighttime control
3.5 years
primary enuresis
Never achieved dryness for 3 months
secondary enuresis
Dry for 3-6 months then resumes wetness
organic enuresis etiology
- Neurological delay
- Structural disorder
- Chronic renal failure
- Disease with polyuria (DM)
- Chronic constipation
non-organic enuresis etiology
- Sleep arousal problem
- Sleep disorders from enlarged tonsils, sleep apnea
- Psychological stress
- Family history
- Inappropriate toilet training
Tofranil (Imipramine)
medications for enuresis
- Sequela of obstruction
- increased risk of infection
- Hydronephrosis
- Hydroureter: enargement of the bladder of the ureter
urinary stasis
- Alteration in neural innervation of the bladder
- Spastic bladder: ** SCI (above sacral vertebrae) Stroke, MS
- Flaccid bladder: ** SCI, Diabetic neuropathy, non-relaxing external sphincter
neurogenic bladdder
- Abnormal movement of urine from the bladder into ureters or kidneys
- frequently occurs during urination
- often occurs in those with frequent UTI
- malfomation of valves at the ureter and/or the bladder
Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR)
- Genetic origin
- Girls > boys
- Symptoms: Frequent UTI’s (most common), Enuresis, Flank pain, Abdominal pain
vesicoureteral reflux etiology and symptoms
vesicoureteral reflux treatment
- Grades 1-3: will usually resolve on own
- Grades 4-5: valve repair
- Prophylactic ABX
- Teach child to double void
- Urine C & S q 2-4 months until 3 negative
Classified according to region and primary site affected
- Lower urinary tract?
- Upper urinary tract?
- urethritis, cystitis
- pyelonephritis
- Inflammation of the bladder
- Causes: Bacterial infection, Radiation, Chemotherapeutic agents, Metabolic disorder
- Nonspecific
- Fever or hypothermia (neonate)
- Irritability
- Dysuria (crying when voiding)
- Change in urine odor or color
- Poor weight gain
- Feeding difficulties
infant s/s of uti