Test 3 Anxiety Flashcards
anxiety disorders affect ?% of population
affect 15-25% of the US population
Anxiety disorders are frequently co morbid with?
Co morbid with other psychiatric disorders and physical illness
5 anxiety disorders
- Generalized anxiety disorder
- panic disorder
- phobias
- obsessive compulsive disorder
- post traumatic stress disorder
- affective/cognitive/behavioral/physiological response to real or imagined threat
- universal human experience
- life force that is necessary for survival
-caused because the id, the ego, and the superego are in conflict
Freud’s theory of anxiety
Freud anxiety as a defense mechanism to…?
techniques to avoid or decrease anxiety back to equilibrium
Sullivan, Peplau, and Mays theory on anxiety
- anxiety arises from problems in therapeutic relationship
- anxiety lead to growth
- anxiety can be destructive
Who said that “anxiety protects individuals from feelings of inadequacy and prevent awareness of anxiety”
Freud on anxiety
autonomic nervous system response to anxiety is sometimes called?
“fight or flight”
adrenaline rush, pupils dilate, blood pressure goes up
sympathetic system response to anxiety
body tries to conserve resources, hr decreases, pupils constrict, blood pressure and pulse decrease, people may faint
parasympathetic response to anxiety
- coordination problems during anxiety
- involuntary movements
- type of behavioral expression*
Personal characteristics of behavioral expressions of anxiety
- withdrawn or out of character behaviors
* type of behavioral expression*
interpersonal characteristics of anxiety, behavioral expressions
-identification of anxiety is critical for good nursing care
Hildegard Peplau
Peplau said mild anxiety…?
does not need intervention
Peplau said moderate anxiety is reduced using ..?
problem solving, cognitive reframing, relaxation training, deep breathing
Peplau said severe anxiety is…?
not conducive to problem solving-focus is on concrete direction to protect the patient
Panic level of anxiety renders the person…?
Renders them unable to focus- remain with the patient until the episode subsides
Alert and aware anxiety level?
mild anxiety, +
Perceptual field narrows?
anxiety level
moderate anxiety, ++
Focus on relief of anxiety?
anxiety level
Severe anxiety, +++
Unable to communicate effectively?
anxiety level
Unable to communicate effectively, ++++
- protect the individual from painful awareness of feelings that can produce anxiety
- always on alert
- may be subject to overuse
Defense mechanisms
- Major means of managing conflict and affect
- predominantly unconscious
- discrete from one to another
- reversible
- adaptive as well as maladaptive
defense mechanisms
Adaptive defense mechanisms
Healthy, altruism and sublimation
A person has an emotional conflict or stressor, that person will go out of their way to do something for another