Urinary Flashcards
Identify the different abnormalities in the urinalysis test and correlate with possible disease condition that may cause the abnormal result.
pyuria hematuria glycosuria ketonuria dehydration proteinuria appearance of casts
What is cystoscopy? what are the indications? what are your nursing responsibilities?
Pre- and Post-procedure care
What is renal biopsy? what are the indications? what are your nursing responsibilities?
Pre- and Post-procedure care
What are the different imaging studies used to visualize the renal system?
US CT MRI pyelogram urography cystography
What are the different functions of the kidneys?
form urine regulate H2O acid-base electrolyte vitamin D synthesis secretion of prostaglandin, thromboxane, leukotriene RBC production BP regulation excretion of waste products
What are the 3 stages of urine production? What are the normal and abnormal components of the urine?
see ppt/book –> urine formation diagram
Differentiate Upper UTI from Lower UTI?
What are the factors that increases the risk of UTI in an individual?
Chart 55-2
What are your health teachings to reduce the risk of UTI?
fluid intake! hygiene medications avoid urinary tract irritants regular voiding
What are the different types of renal stones?
calcium - most common struvite oxalate cystine/xanthine uric acid
What are the manifestations of a patient with nephrolithiasis?
complication: UTI (also, urinary obstruction)
What is the immediate objective in managing a patient with nephrolithiasis?
Pain relief!
Then, eradicate the stone and prevent complications
For stones < 5mm, what important health teaching will you provide the patient?
increase fluid intake and strain urine as the stone has a very high chance of spontaneously passing out with urine.
What are the treatment options available for patients with large renal stones?
ECSWL or percutaneous nephrostomy
health teachings after???
Differentiate AGN from Nephrotic Syndrome
AGN: inflammation of glomerulus due to the deposition of Antigen-Antibody complex
Nephrotic Syndrome: constellation of symptoms due to increase glomerular permeability and is manifested by massive proteinuria
Management for AGN/Nephrotic syndrome?
Treat specific cause Anti-hypertensive (ACEI or ARB)/Na-restriction Steroids Diuretics Fluid restrictions as needed Avoid nephrotoxic medications Statins if with hyperlipidemia SCD/compression stockings if with risk for clotting