Urinary 1 Flashcards
What are some of the functions of the kidneys?
Regulation of body fluid
Regulation of electrolytes
Blood filtration
Blood pressure regulation
Within what cavity is the urinary system located?
Abdomino-pelvic cavity
What system is the urinary system closely related to anatomically?
Reproductive system
What are the components of the urinary system?
Urinary bladder
What is the function of the kidneys?
Maintains homeostasis by blood filtration
What is the function of the ureter?
Urine transported from kidneys to bladder
What is the function of the urinary bladder?
Temporary storage of urine
What is the function of the urethra?
Transport of urine out of the body
Where do the kidneys lie?
In the paravertebral gutters on the posterior abdominal wall on either side of vertebrae T12-L3
Besides what vertebrae do the kidneys lie?
What plane does the hilus of the kidney lie on?
Transpyloric plane
What is the hilus of the kidney?
Part on the medial concave border of the kidney through which blood vessels and the ureter enter/leave the substance of the kidney
At what vertebral level does the transpyloric plane lie?

Which kidney is lower and why?
Right kidney due to the liver
What is the covering of the kidneys called?
Fascial coverings of the kidneys
What 4 layers enclose each kidney (fascial of the kidneys)?
Fibrous renal capsule
Fatty renal capsule
Renal fascia (fibro-fatty tissue)
Pararenal fatty tissue (mainly on the posterior aspect of the kidney)
What is A?

What is B?

Renal capsule
What is C?

Perirenal fat
What is D?

Renal fascia
What is E?

Pararenal fat
What is the significance of having fatty tissue around the kidney?
What are the posterior relations (muscles) to the kidneys?
Psoas major
Quadratus lumborum
What is A?

What is B?

Psoas major
What is C?

Quadratus lumborum
What is the consequence of the close relation between the kidneys and the diaphragm?
They move during respiration
Are the kidneys retroperitoneal or intraperitoneal?
Retroperitoneal, along with the rest of the urinary tract
What are two parts of the GI tract that are retroperitoneal?
Ascending/descending colon
What is the anterior surface of the kidneys related to?
Viscera of the GI system
What is the anterior relation to 1 on the right kidney?
Suprarenal gland
What is the anterior relation to 2 on the right kidney?
What is the anterior relation to 3 on the right kidney?
What is the anterior relation to 4 on the right kidney?
What is the anterior relation to 5 on the right kidney?
What is the anterior relation to 1 on the left kidney?
Suprarenal gland
What is the anterior relation to 2 on the left kidney?
What is the anterior relation to 3 on the left kidney?
What is the anterior relation to 4 on the left kidney?
What is the anterior relation to 5 on the left kidney?
Small bowel
What is the anterior relation to 6 on the left kidney?
Left colic flexure
Part of the kidneys are peritonised, what does this depend on?
If the organ that lies on that part of the kidney is peritonised then the kidney below it is also peritonised
If the organ is retroperitonised then the kidney below it will not be peritonised
Describe the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve supply to the kidneys?
Sympathetic - T12 and L1, pass through coeliac ganglia and along renal artery to the organ
Parasympathetic - vagus nerve
Lymph from the kidneys are drained to where?
Para-aortic lymph nodes around the origin of the renal arteries (L1)
What is A?

Renal cortex
What is B?

Renal medulla
What is C?

Renal papilla
What is D?

Renal pyramids
What is E?

Renal columns
What is F?

Fibrous capsule
What is G?

Minor calyx
What is H?

Major calyx
What is I?

What is J?

Renal pelvis
What is K?

Renal vein
What is L?

Renal artery
What is M?

What are some parts within the medulla?
Renal pyramid
Renal pelvis
Hilum of the kidney
What does this image show?

What is A?

Cortex of kidney
What is B?

Medulla of kidney
What is A?

Glomurular capilarries
What is B?

Visceral layer of Bowman’s capsule
What is C?

Parietal layer of Bowman’s capsule
What is D?

Bowman’s space
What does this show?

Renal corpuscle
What does this show?

What is A?

What is B?

What is C?

Collecting duct
What is D?

Loop of Henle
What is E?

Collecting tubule
What is F?

Distal convulated tubule
What is G?

Renal corpuscle
What is H?

Proximal convulated tubule
What is I?

What does this show?

Renal corpuscle
What is A?

What is B?

Bowman’s capsule (space)
Filtration of blood plasma takes place where?
Renal corpuscle
Renal corpuscles are always found where?
Renal cortex
After leaving the renal corpuscle, the filtrate passes through the renal tubule in what order?
1) Proximal convulated tubule (in the renal cortex)
2) Loop of Henle (in the medulla)
3) Distal convulated tubule (in thhe renal cortex)
4) Collecting tubule (in the medulla)
5) Collecting duct (in the medulla)
Where is the beginning of the distal convoluted tubule found?
Close to renal corpuscle, in a structure known as the juxtaglomerular complex
What lies between the visceral and parietal layers of Bowman’s capsule?
Bowman’s space
At what vertebral level are the paired renal arteries given off from the abdominal aorta?
What happens to the renal arteries at the hilum of the kidney?
Divides into 5 branches
What consequence does the relationship between the abdominal aorta and the inferior vena cava have on the renal arteries and veins?
Left renal vein travels anterior to aorta and is long, while right renal vein travels direct and is short
Conversely, right renal artery travels posterior to inferior vena cava and is long, left renal artery travels direct and is short
What vein travels up from the pelvis and drains into the left renal vein?
Left gonadal vein
What is A?

Left gonadal vein
What is B?

Right gonadal vein
Is the ureter retroperitoneal or intraperitoneal?
What is the ureter?
A distensible muscular tube that connects the kidneys to the bladder
In what cavities does the ureter lie?
Proximal portion - abdominal cavity
Distal portion - pelvic cavity
What does the ureter commence as?
Dilated portion called the renal pelvis
Where does the renal pelvis lie in relationt to the renal vessels?
What does the ureter lie on as it descends?
Psoas major
What is the path of the ureter from kidney to bladder?
Descends along psoas major -> cross anterior to bifurcation of common iliac artery -> courses along lateral wall of pelvis -> turns medially to reach bladder
In a male, what crosses the ureter superiorly?
Ductus (vas) deferens
In a female, what crosses the ureter superiorly?
Ovarian artery
What are the 3 constrictors in the ureters where calculi (stones) often lodge?
1) Origin
2) Pelvic brim
3) Vesiculo-ureteric junction
Which part of the bladder does the ureter enter?
Lateral aspect in oblique manner
From which part of the bladder does the urethra exit?
Urinary meatus
Embryologically, what is the median umbilical ligament a remnant of?
What kind of tissue makes up the walls of the urinary bladder?
Transitional epithelium
What is the bony joint immediately anterior to the urinary bladder?
Pubic symphysis
What symptoms can be present if a bladder is enlarged and reaches into the abdominal cavity?
Difficulty urinating
What is the relation between the peritoneal and the urinary bladder?
Parietal peritoneum from the inferior part of abdominal wall drapes over superior surface of urinary bladder and dips behind posterior surface to form peritoneal pouches
What kind of epithelium lines the urinary bladder and ureter?
Transitional epithelium
What is the advantage of transitional epithelium lining the ureter and urinary bladder?
Does not allow leakage