Urinalysis Flashcards
Indications for urinalysis (7)
- Dehydration (do before fluids)
- Evidence UTI
- Evidence hemolysis
- Crystal eval - liver dz, ethylene glycol
- Early indicator AKI aminoglycosides
- Bacteria ID diskospondylitis
- Fungal elements in systemic aspergillosis
Ideal amount of urine to collect
6 ml
Most common causes discolored urine (3)
- Hematuria
- Hemoglobinuria
- bilirubinuria
Common causes increased turbidity (3)
- Pyuria
- Crystaluria
- lipiduria
Urine pad things we use (7)
- pH
- Protein
- Glucose
- Ketones
- Bilirubin
- Hemoprotein
- Urobilinogen
Alkaline urine causes false positive
protein reading
Dipsticks only detect which protein?
Magnification to scan for casts and epithelial cells
High dry mag (40X) for (8)
- Bacteria
- Crystals
- Erythrocytes
- Leukocytes
- Mucous threads
- Oil droplets
- Parasites
- Sperm
Casts and crystals best viewed on
unstained prep
Things causing acidic urine (5)
- Meat ingestions
- Resp/Met acidosis
- Severe vomiting with chloride depletion
- Severe diarrhea
- Urinary acidifiers
Things causing alkaline urine (5)
- Recent meal
- UTI with urease prod bact
- Renal tubular acidosis
- Diet veggies/cereals
- Met/resp alkalosis
Trace protein normal if Spec grav
greater than 1.035
Causes of transient proteinuria (4)
- strenuous exercise
- fever
- seizure
- veinous congestion of kidneys
* Rarely of concern
Causes of persistent proteinuria
Renal glomerular dz:
- glomerulonephritis
- amyloidosis
Urine protein/creatinine ration
> 1 abnormal
Fanconi’s syndrome
Proximal renal tubular dysfunction - glucose in urine
Ketonuria + glucosuria
Diabetes mellitus
Ketonuria w/o glucosuria
excessive lipid catabolism
Production of ketones
Through lipolysis s/a
- starvation
- fasting
- diabetic ketoacidosis
Bilirubinuria can be normal for:
Bilirubinuria never normal for:
Can be normal for male dogs if spec grav > 1.030
Never normal for cats