Urbanisation Flashcards
What does CBD stand for?
Central business district
What is a CBD?
The centre of the city where there is the most shops and industries
What is a commuting village?
A rural village separate from the city but can access the main city by commuting by car, trains etc for work
What is counter urbanisation?
Migration away from a city because of urban problems (crimes, congestion etc)
What is de-centralisation?
The movement of population, shops, offices and industries away from CBD’s into areas of housing, retails business parks and suburbs
What is dereliction?
Where buildings are unused or unoccupied
What is deindustrilisation
Declining levels of industry in an area which leads to extremes in unemployment
What is globalisation?
The increasing connections between places and people through ideology, trade and cultural ideas.
What is integrated transport?
A system that links different types of transport to give access to visitors to all parts of city
What is international migration?
Where people move from one country to another for work or long term residence
What is a low income country?
A country that is of low wealth and has a low development.
What is a mega city?
A city with population large than 10 million
What is a middle income country?
A country of sufficient wealth and good level of development
What is a multicultural city?
A city that shares and encourages different cultures aside from the national one
What is net migration?
The total number of people entering a city minus the people leaving the cit
What is population density?
The number of people living per square metre of land. It is a measure of how squashed together or distributed populations are
What is the quality of life?
The environment and community a person is apart of, as well as their health and access to benefits
What is regeneration?
Upgrading existing areas to improve its appearance or reputation by constructing new buildings for urban, industrial and commercial areas
What is remittance
A family member living in a different country can send money back to their country of origin to support their family substantially.
What is reurbanisation?
Migrating into an area of city which may have been abandoned in the past
What is rural — urban migration?
People move from rural areas to urban areas for job benefits or factors which improve quality of life
What is social inequality?
The difference of quality of life between groups of people based on age, income, gender, ethnicity or appearances
What are squatter settlements?
Clusters of temporary housing in which migrants or low income families to live in, usually made on unfavourable land
What is suburbanisation?
Migration to live on the periphery (suburbs) of a city.
What are suburbs?
Residential land surrounding the city, offering more space, cheaper land bit further from the CBD
What are transnational companies?
A business with operations in more than one country
What is urbanisation?
The increase of the population living in urban areas
What is urban sprawl?
An urban area expanding and building on surrounding green areas of land
What is a world city?
A city with global influences through politics, businesses or travel