Definitions Flashcards
What is urbanisation
The increase in the number of people living in towns + cities compared to the number living in the countryside
What is an Emerging country
A country with low human development (LHD) (lowest type of country)
What is natural increase?
When population numbers show a positive difference between birth rate and death rate
What is a developed country
A country with very high human development (VHHD) (highest type of country)
What is a developing country?
A country with high and medium development (HMHD) (medium type of country)
What is the meaning of urban
Areas of city / civilisation - dense + high population
What is the meaning of rural
Yet to be developed on majorly - less dense + country side,
Little population + housing
What is urbanisation
The transition of a rural area into an urban area - more people living in urban areas compared to rural.
What does densely populated mean
Lots of people in one area (crowded p)
What does sparsely populated mean?
Not many people in one area
What does population distribution mean?
Where the population is located
What is the primary sector
Extracting raw materials, agricultural and mining
What is the secondary sector
Manufacturing, making and production
What is the tertiary sector
Services, selling and marketing
What is the quaternary sector
Research, development, and evaluation
What is bilateral aid
Aid sent from one country to another