Urban waste Flashcards
What are the economic impacts of urban waste?
- high cost of waste management systems, through transport and treatment
- creates jobs in the waste management industry
- property value near to waste management sites will decrease
What are the impacts of waste on the global environment?
- decomposition of hazardous waste can release harmful greenhouse gases
- improper disposal can lead to water pollution and a lack of clean drinking water
- habitat destruction through landfill sites
What are the impacts of waste on health?
- leads to air pollution when waste is burned - respiratory problems
- hazardous substances can contaminate water and lead to water-borne illnesses
What are the impacts of waste on city authorities?
- large cost for management of waste eg. transport, treatment and disposal
- air pollution that cities must try to mitigate eg. implementation of sustainable strategies
What are the impacts of landfill sites?
- contamination of surrounding environment and destruction of habitats
- conflicts with existing residents who do not want to live near landfill sites
- conflict over land use eg. more important purposes such as industry
What is resource recovery?
separating materials from waste that can be recycled into new products or used as an energy alternative to fossil fuels
What is recycling?
converting waste into reusable materials
What is the global waste trade?
international trade of waste between countries for further treatment, disposal or recycling. Toxic or hazardous waste is often imported by developing countries from developed countries
What is incineration?
The process of burning hazardous materials at temperatures high enough to destroy contaminants
What is energy recovery?
the conversion on non-recyclable waste materials into useable heat, electricity or fuel
What is landfill?
a system of trash and garbage disposal in which the waste is buried between layers of earth to build up low-lying land
What are the types of waste disposal?
unregulated eg. fly-tipping
trade eg. from HIC’s to LIC’s
dumped into oceans (submergence)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of landfill?
- facilities properly cited
- necessary controls
- waste ordered
- different types of waste accepted
- unsightly - opposition from neighbours
- takes up much space
- decaying matter releases methane
- high transport costs
What are the advantages and disadvantages of incineration?
- can reduce volume of waste by 90%
- reduce toxicity of waste
- incinerator ash recycled as building materials
- expensive
- not all waste is combustable
- air pollution and ash disposal
- capacity limitations
- unpopular with locals
Facts about landfill in LONDON?
- 750,000 tonnes waste goes into landfill each year
- capacity of landfill is expected to run out by 2026
- London produces 2 million tonnes food waste a year - most goes into landfill or incineration
- collected waste to landfill has reduced from 65% to 20%
Facts about incineration in LONDON?
- incineration of authority collected waste has doubled from 900,000 tonnes in 2011 to 1.8 million tonnes in 2016, producing 560,000 tonnes CO2 emissions
What is the London waste management strategy aiming to do?
- achieve 0 municipal waste direct to landfill
- reduce household waste from 970kg to 790kg per household (20% reduction)
- recycle or compost at least 45% municipal waste
- cut greenhouse gas emissions
What are waste streams?
flows of specific waste, from its source through to its recovery, recycling or disposal
What is the pyramid of waste?
Energy recovery
How does level of development impact waste?
- quantity eg. LIC’s produce less waste due to less manufacturing
- components eg. LIC’s - organic and agricultural, NEE’s - manufactured products, HIC’s - municipal waste (waste produced by people)
What are the different attitudes towards waste?
LIC’s - bigger priorities like healthcare and education
NEE’s - more concerned about creating jobs and wealth for the country
HIC’s - luxury concern - important to the population