Urban Environments Flashcards
characteristics of cities
- intense human interaction
- economies of scale
- concentration of workforce
- high resource consumption and waste production
- cultural diversity and segregation
- their future dependend on sustainable management
centripetal movements
moving inwards towards centers; migrations into cities from smaller towns
rural push factors and urban pull factors
Rural push factors
High rates of population growth have put pressure on natural land resources such as water and energy and reduced the size of land holdings until they become unproductive. New farming technology has favoured the rich farmer but, for those at the other end of the socio-economic scale, unemployment or underemployment are typical.
Urban pull factors
Higher wages and more varied employment and education opportunities. Immigrants are willing to tolerate poor living conditions initially, in the hope for a better future. The attraction of “bright lights” are often cited as a pull factor, but the reality is that many migrants are intimidated by the urban environment and would prefer the tranquility and security of their original community.
centrifugal movements
decentralisation: outward moving populations from the centre of the city to its periphery, resulting in an expansion of the city.
Suburbanisation is the outward growth of towns and cities to engulf surrounding villages and rural areas. It is the result of rapid urban population growth and a demand for better housing and more space. Rising disposable incomes have enabled people to meet both the cost of new housing and the associated transport costs of commuting back to the city centre for work, which is global trend.
Industrial decentralisation may also occur, providing more work in the periphery. Congestion, pollution and lack of community may be the push factor.
family life cycle
A person is likely to move around different zones of the city, depending on their age and their need for a house of a certain size.
economic growth in (mega)cities
Urban economies are almost always more productive than rural ones. Most of the wealth is produced in megacities. 2% of China’s population lives in Shanghai, a city that produces 12% of the country’s output. Industrial activity is higher in cities because of greater efficiency; there will be a large, concentrated, educated, accessible, skilled workforce.
Megacities are large metropolitan areas or urban agglomerations of 10 million citizens or more.
LEDCs now hosts more megacities the MEDCs. Megacities bring together people and resources, and are able to generate wealth efficiently through economies of scale. Many would classify as world cities, global hubs for dynamic economic activity, social interaction and innovation.
Common problems include:
- high population concentration and density, uncontrolled spatial expansion
- increasing wealth disparity
- strains on water supply
case study: megacity
measuring residential segragation
using the location quotient (LQ)
For example:
- Neighbourhood X has 25% of Bangladeshi population and the city average is 10%.
- The LQ would be 2.5, a higher than average concentration.
LQ < 1 means no concentration
- LQ = 1 means average concentration*
- LQ > 1 means above average concentration*
reasons behind segragation
- late arrival in the city
- inability to speak English on arrival
- wish to maintain cultural identity
- common original of migrants, so that segregation brought security
- poverty, which leads to high concentration and overcrowding
measuring deprivation (lack of benefits)
physical indicators — such as quality of housing, levels of pollution, incidence of crime, vandalism, graffiti
social indicators — including crime (reported and fear of), levels of health and access to health care, standards of education
economic indicators — access to employment, unemployment and underemployment, levels of income
political indicators — opportunities to vote and to take part in community organisation
why are informal economies growing?
+ pros and cons
It is an inevitable outcome of rapid urbanisation.
Informal economies employ more than 60% of the urban population in South America and Asia and more than 70% in sub-Saharan Africa.
Most of the time they are unskilled and poorly paid employees.
- Plays a vital role in the developing urban economies of many LEDCs and semi-LEDCs, as it provides unskilled and semi-skilled workers (e.g. migrants) with casual, temporary, but immediate work.
- much easier, cheaper and faster to set up; preferable in low-income countries.
- are often interdependent; goods produced at minimum costs in small workshops are then passed on to be finished and sold within the formal economy on the national and international market.
- Makes a significant contribution to urban wealth and is the basis of development (e.g. Industrial Revolution in 19th century Europe).
- It has been unfairly associated with activities such as drug pushing, prostitution, political corruption, bribery, and smuggling. This threatens the security of the residents, turns away potential visitors and downgrades the city’s international image.
- It lacks the legal property ownership, limiting access to credit.
- Workers are often exposed to health and safety risks and deprived of the rights and benefits associated with law and regulation. Lack of protective clothing, adequate instructions, etc.
case study: informal economies
Dharavi, Mumbai
Its population has achieved a unique informal “self-help” urban development over years, without any external aid.
case study: overcoming housing problems
Mumbai and nanohomes outside cities
In conclusion, there is no easy solution to Mumbai’s housing problems.
- inexpensive
- can be built by unskilled workers
- overcomes problems of overcrowding
- insufficient opportunities for informal business
- Ex-slum dwellers will now have to commute back to the centre to work, causing further problems of traffic pollution, cost and congestion.
- Displacement will disrupt extended families, their social networks and security
- Close business linages that existed within the informal economy of the slum will be lost.
Large cities are attractive for industries because:
- good infrastructure
- large markets
- best access to international markets (especially with ports)
- the place where major innovation and ideas come from
- a variety of labour is avaiblable
main components and causes of the Brown Agenda (environemtal issues) in cities
+ the case with Mexico City
The greatest concentration of environmental problems occurs in cities experiencing rapid growth, such as Mexico City.
main components:
- issues caused by limited availability of land, water and services
- problems such as toxic hazardous waste, pollution of water, air and soil, or industrial accidents
In the case of Mexico City, it is a basin where cool air can remain trapped by a larger layer of warm air above it: temperate inversion. The air fails to mix and vehicle emissions create intense pollution. Ozone is a byproduct, and is a strong respiratory irritant (causing discomfort).