Urban Decline And Regeneration key terms Flashcards
Urban decay
Where a previously functioning part of a city falls into disrepair and decrepitude
Setting a group of people or things apart from one another
The process of renovating and improving a house or district so that it conforms to a middle class taste
Multiple deprivation
An amalgamation of social, environmental and economic deprivation
Urban decline
The process by which a city or part of a city falls into disrepair and decrepitude, with depopulation or changing population, economic restructuring, abandoned buildings, high local unemployment, fragmented families, political disenfranchisement, crime and a desolate, inhospitable landscape.
Urban social exclusion
The problems faced by society in areas of multiple deprivation where people are excluded from full participation in society. They’re unable to get a job due to sub standard education and can’t get a house due to poverty.
The reduction of the industrial capacity or activity of an area, particularly in inner cities
The movement at least semi permanently of a person from one area to another
Th process by which a company or industry begins to function on an international scale
Counter urbanisation
The process by which people move from urban to rural areas
Political disenfranchisement
Where people feel let down or out of touch with their government and this can lead to low election turnouts
Green field sites
A site which has not been previously built upon
Private sector
The part of the national economy which isn’t under state control
Overspill population
Where there are too many people in an area
Vacant factories
Factories which are no longer used
Public sector
The part of the economy which is under state control
Lack of community feel
Common in areas which are politically disenfranchised, there’s a feeling of mistrust among residents
Civil unrest
Where a group of people cause unrest
Brownfield sites
Sites on which there has been previous development
Peripheral council estates
Council estates constructed in the suburbs or outskirts of urban areas
A desirable/useful feature of a building/place