UQ Interventions Framework Flashcards
C-spine manipulation criteria
- Symptoms <38 days
- Side to side rotation difference >10º
- Pain with PA spring testing mid C-spine (C3-C7)
- Positive expectation manipulation would help
Describe the effects of a grade I-II mobilization
- Firing of articular mechanoreceptors & proprioceptors
- Firing of cutaneous & muscle receptors
- Altered nociception
- Synovial fluid movement
Describe the effects of a grade III-IV mobilization
- Stretching of joint restrictions & adhesions
- Change positional relationships
- Diminish/eliminate barriers to normal motion
What are the 3 categories of corrective exercise
- Mobility: target basic freedom movement
- Stability: targets basic motor control
- Movement pattern retraining: targets functional movement patterns utilizing both mobility & stability
- Corrective exercises are performed to provide a functional base when dysfunction, limitation, for asymmetry is noted
What are the 2 categories of functional exercise
- General: exercise that complements fundamental human movement patterns
- Specific: exercises that complements specific skills or specialized activities poor athletics
What is the progression of functional exercises
- Breathing
- gripping
- Head-eye tracking (Cervical)
- Limb movements
- Rolling
- Crawling
- Transitional movements
- Upright movements FE positions: non-weight bearing, quadruped, kneeling, & standing
- Supine
- Prone
- Half kneeling
- Tall kneeling
- Lunge
- Split stance
- Normal
Describe the SFMA 4x4 Matrix
- Lying (prone/supine), Quadruped, kneeling, standing
- No resistance with PA (pattern assistance), No resistance, resistance with PA, resistance
- Goal is to guide you through the correction of a stability problem
Describe Gray Cook concept of 3 R’s
- Reset = manual therapy techniques
- Reinforcement = protective & corrective
- Reload = corrective type exercise that changes the movement pattern for the future
- Feedback: sue of Test, Treat, Re-test
What are the 4 resistance types of 4x4 Matrix
- 1) No resistance with Pattern Assist (PA)
- 2) No resistance (except gravity & body weight)
- 3) Resistance with PA
- 4) Resistance
Where does the oblique capitis inferior/superior refer to/trigger point referral
- Horizontal line from back of ear to eye
Where does sternocleidomastoid refer to/trigger post referral
- Posterior head on unilateral side
- C-shape from temple around to the medial eyebrow
- Top of the head, unilateral tip of chin, and unilateral area around mastoid
Where does the upper traps refer to/trigger point referral
- Tip of mastoid
- Hot spot along lateral eyebrow but not at temple
- Smaller rams horn pattern
Normal value for deep neck flexor endurance test
- 30 secs
- Tuck chin & lift head off table only 1 inch and hold
What are the 3 levels of nerve compression
- Neuropraxia
- Axonotmesis
- Neurotmesis
Describe neuropraxia
- Temporary compression
- Axon intact
- Myelin disrupted
- Conduction slows but still intact as the nerve is whole
- No Tinel’s sign
Describe axonotmesis
- Axon disrupted
- Endoneurium intact & serves as a tube for the axon to re-grow
- Positive Tinel’s sign
- EMG & NCV changes
- Cause: stretch injury like humeral dislocation stretching the axillary nerve
- Expect complete recovery gif motor point its <12 inches away
Describe neurotmesis
- Complete transection of the axon & the tube
- EMG & NCV changes
- Spontaneous recovery NOT possible: requires surgical repair/grafting
- Cause: traction injury, laceration injection into the nerve
When is blood flow restricted to nerves
- Stretch/elongation by 10-15% takes all blood flow away
- 30mmHg externally restricts blood flow
What do nerves need
- Blood flow
- Movement
- Space
Tests for thoracic outlet syndrome
- Positive test for all = change in radial pulse (reduction) or complains of paresthesia
- Adson’s: shoulder ABD 15º, inhale & hold breath, C-ext. & rotation to ips side being tested
- Costoclavicular: seated with straight chest out & shoulders back
- Roos: shoulder ABD 90º+ER & 90º elbow flexion, then make a fist & open for 3 min
- Hyerabduction (Wright test): just like Adson’s but lateral flexion & rotate away contralateral to side being tested
Describe the shoulder abduction test/sign
- Test for cervical radiculopathy
- Positive = relief or reduction of neural symptoms
- Implicates disc herniation or nerve root compression
- Have patient place hand on top of head and ask about changes in their symptoms