Upset Recovery Flashcards
Recall Nose High Recovery
- Disengage autopilot
- Disengage autothrottle
1. Apply nose-down elevator, as much elevator as needed to obtain a nose down pitch rate
2. Apply appropriate nose down stabilizer trim
3. Reduce thrust
4. Roll (adjust bank angle) to obtain a nose down pitch rate
5. Complete the recovery:
6. When approaching the horizon, roll to wings level
7. Check airspeed and adjust thrust
8. Establish pitch attitude.
Note: Ailerons are only used at step 4, and wings are only levelled at step 6.
Recall Nose Low Recovery
- Disengage autopilot
- Disengage autothrottle
- Recover from stall, if needed
- Roll in the shortest direction to wings
level. If bank angle is more than 90
degrees, unload and roll.*
Complete the recovery:
5. Apply nose up elevator
6. Apply nose up trim, if needed
7. Adjust thrust and drag, if needed.