Upper Limbs General Flashcards
How many bones consist in the hand and wrist combined?
What are the phalanges? How many bones?
(fingers and thumb)
14 bones
What are the metacarpals? How many bones?
5 bones
What are the carpals? How many bones?
8 bones
Fingers and thumbs are called?
Each digit consists of small bones called phalanges
What are the 3 parts of the phalanges called?
Proximal (bottom of finger, closest to palm)
Middle (middle of finger duh)
Distal (tip of finger)
Where is the first metacarpal located? Where is the last one located?
First: Thumb
Last (fifth): Pinky
1-5 metacarpals
What are the 3 parts of the metacarpal called?
Base (closest to the wrist)
Body (middle portion)
Head (the top, closest to the phalanges aka fingers)
How many phalanges does the thumb have? What is this joint called ?
2 phalanges
Interphalangeal (IP) joint
Joint name between the first metacarpal and the proximal phalanx of the thumb
First metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint
(Name derives from the two bones that make up this joint)
Name of joint between distal and middle portion of the digit?
Distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint
Name of joint between middle and proximal portion of the digit?
Proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint
Name of joint between proximal and wrist?
metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint
The wrist is broken up into two rows:
Distal row (closest to fingers)
Proximal row (closest to forearm)
How many carpals consist in each row?
Distal: 4
Proximal: 4
What are the 4 carpals in the distal row of the wrist?
1 trapezium
2 trapezoid
3 capitate
4 Hamate
What are the 4 parts of the proximal row?
1 scaphoid
2 Lunate
3 Triquetrum
4 Pisiform
What is the Lateral side of the hand?
What is the medial side?
Lateral side = thumb (1st)
Medial side = Pinky (5th)
What is the first carpal in the proximal row?
what is its shape?
scaphoid bone
boat shaped
largest bone in proximal row
articulates with the radius proximally
What is the second carpal in the proximal row? What is its shape?
Lunate (moon shaped)
articulates with the radius
What is the third carpal in the proximal row? What is its shape?
Triquetrum (tri-kwe-trum)
three articular surfaces
distinguished by its pyramid shape
What is the fourth carpal in the proximal row? What is its shape?
pea shaped
smallest of the carpal bones
anterior to the triquetrum
most evident in the carpal canal/ tangential projection
Distal row articulates with…
the five metacarpals (fingers)
First carpal (lateral) in the distal row?
four-sided, irregularly shaped
located medial and distal to the scaphoid and proximal to the first metacarpal (finger)
Second carpal in the distal row?
smallest bone in the distal row
Third carpal in the distal row?
largest in distal row
Fourth (last) carpal in the distal row?
distinguished by its hook-like process called hamulus
Where is the radius located?
apart of the forearm
lateral (thumb) side
Where is the Ulnar located?
part of the forearm, medial side
What is styloid processes?
small conical projections
located at extreme distal ends of both radius and ulna
What do the ulna and radius articulate with?
(what joint)
articulate with each other at the proximal radioulnar joint and the distal radioulnar joint
(joints allow for rotational movement of wrist and hand)
Joint responsible for rotational movement of wrist and hand?
proximal radioulnar joint & distal radioulnar joint
what is the ulnar notch?
small depression on the medial aspect of the distal radius
the head of ulna fits into the ulnar notch to form the distal radioulnar joint.
head of ulna
located near the wrist (distal end)
when hand is pronated, head of ulna and styloid process are easily felt/seen
head of the radius
located near the elbow (proximal end)
long midportion of both the radius and the ulna are called…
the body (shaft)
(t/f) the radius is the shorter bone (of the two) that is directly involved with the wrist joint
(during pronation the radius rotates around the more stationary… ulna)
radial tuberosity
rough oval process on the medial and anterior side of the radius, distal to the neck
ulna is the ___ bone
Radius is the _____ bone
longer, stationary (ulna)
Shorter, rotates (radius)
what is primarily responsible for the formation of the elbow joint?
olecranon/coronoid processes
beak-like process of the proximal ulna
olecranon can be easily palpated on the posterior aspect
coronoid tubercle
medial margin of the coronoid process that is lateral to the radial notch of the
large concave depression that articulates with distal humerus
radial notch
small/shallow depression on the lateral aspect of the proximal ulna
humeral condyle
expanded distal end of the humerus