Chap 4 elbow review (S1) Flashcards
Proximal Carpal bones
distal proximal bones
what does radius articulate with distally?
(distal articulation)
scaphoid and lunate carpal bones
The capitulum is part of what bone?
distal humerus
What view causes cross over?
internal elbow
but also PA forearm
What kind of joint is radioulnar?
pivot (trochoidal) joint
joints parallel to IR at all times?
What joint is elbow, humeroulnar and humeroradial
hinge (ginglymus)
What joint is interphalangeal (IP)
All IP’s are hinge (ginglymus joints)
What joint is Metacarpophalangeal? (MCP)
Condyloid (ellipsoidal)
What joint is Carpometacarpal (CMC)
1st digit is Saddle (Sellar) joint
2-5 digits are plane (gliding) joints
What joint is distal radioulnar and proximal radioulnar?
pivot (trochoidal) joint
What joint is the radiocarpal joint?
ellipsoid (condyloid) joint
What joint is Intercarpal joints?
Plane (gliding) joints
arm flexed in 90 degrees
lateral position
Position vs projection
position is medial for 5th digit
projection is lateromedial for 5th digit
if there is an anterior posterior fracture of the radius, what view would best show this fracture?
Lateral fracture best displayed in?
AP view
What view shows the radius and ulna in slight superimposition?
Either elbow or forearm
What is the first CMC joint?
Sellar (saddle) joint
What demonstrates the scaphoid best?
Scaphoid wrist view
CR is15 degrees toward wrist at scaphoid
ulna deviation
what is best demonstrated in a fan lateral?
phalanges and IP joints, rest is superimposed
What are the views for thumb?
special one?
AP (robert’s view “special view”)
Oblique view
Lateral view
What view shows arthritus?
Ball catcher
what view best views carpal tunnel sydrome?
Gaynor hart method
What view best displays the hook of the hamate (hamulus)?
Gaynor hart method
CR: 25 to 30 degrees long axis of hand 1 inch distal to third MCP (center of the palm)
Colles fx
radius and ulna go anterior
distal part goes posterior
Smith fx
radius and ulna go posterior
distal part goes anterior
bartons fx
Fx of the Posterior lip of the distal radius
Bennets fx
fracture at the base of the first metacarpal
boxers fx
fracture of the fifth metacarpal
decrease in bone density
decrease technique
hereditary disease resulting in abnormal dense bone
increase technique
how many phalanx on each digit?
3 phalanx (distal, middle, proximal) on digits 2-5
2 phalanx on thumb (distal and proximal)
How many IP joints in each digit?
2-5 digits: 2 IPs (DIP,PIP)
Thumb: 1 IP
CR for elbow positions:
AP: mid-elbow joint
INT:mid-elbow joint
EXT: mid-elbow joint
LAT: mid-elbow joint
CR for forearm view:
AP: mid-forearm
LAT: mid-forearm
CR for hand views:
PA: 3rd MCP
OBL: 3rd MCP
CR for Digit views:
CR for wrist views:
PA: Mid carpal
OBL: Mid carpal
LAT: Mid carpal
Scaphoid: at scaphoid 15 degree CR toward elbow
Articulation of the trochlea and trochlea notch form?
Humeral ulna
(Trochlea on distal humerus)
(Trochlea notch on ulna)
Olecranon process
located posterior/superior of ulna
only seen in lateral elbow
Coronoid process
Located anterior/inferior of the ulna
seen best in internal elbow oblique
Elbow is in a lateral position, the process of the ulna that inserts into the fossa that is on the distal anterior aspect of the humerus is?
Coronoid process
(its going into the coronoid fossa, which is anterior humerus)
Elbow is in a lateral position, the process of the ulna that inserts into the fossa that is on the distal posterior aspect of the humerus is?
olecranon process
(its going into the olecranon fossa that is posterior humerus)
Epicondyle (parallel/perpendicular)
AP: Parallel
External: oblique
Lateral: perpendicular
Internal: oblique
What is ICER?
IC= internal- coronoid (trochlea)
ER= external- radial head (capitulum)
What replaces AP elbow?
alternate partial flexion elbow
2 projections
forearm parallel- CR mid elbow joint
humerus parallel- CR mid elbow joint
What view do you see fat pads on?
what are the 3 fat pads?
supinator fat stripe
internal oblique shows:
coronoid process & trochlea
(radius and ulna superimposed)
external oblique shows:
Radial head & capitulum
(frees radius and ulna of superimposition)
Anatomy demonstrated: PA finger
distal-middle-proximal phalanges
distal metacarpal
associated joints
Anatomy demonstrated: OBL finger
Oblique view of distal-middle-proximal phalanges
distal metacarpal
associated joints
Anatomy demonstrated: LAT finger
lateral view of distal-middle-proximal phalanges
distal metacarpal
associated joints
Anatomy demonstrated: Thumb
first metacarpal
distal & proximal phalanges
IP& MCP joints
(LAT: trapezium is superimposed)
Anatomy demonstrated: Roberts method
AP projection of thumb
first CMC w/o superimposition
base of first metacarpal
Anatomy demonstrated: PA hand
PA projection of hand and wrist
oblique view of thumb
(thumb is normal in OBL hand)
Anatomy demonstrated: Fan LAT
lateral of entire hand and wrist
best shows phalanges and IP joints
Not metacarpals!
Anatomy demonstrated: PA wrist
Mid/proximal metacarpals
distal wrist
Anatomy demonstrated: LAT wrist
Distal radius & ulna
Anatomy demonstrated: Obl wrist
scaphoid and trapezium
distal radius
carpals to mid metal carpals
Anatomy demonstrated: AP forearm
AP with radius and ulna
minimum of proximal carpals and distal humerus
fat pads
Anatomy demonstrated: AP elbow
distal humerus
elbow joint space
proximal radius/ulna
Anatomy demonstrated: external elbow oblique
radial head/ neck
distal humerus
elbow joint space
proximal radius/ulna
Anatomy demonstrated: internal elbow oblique
coronoid process
OBL view of:
distal humerus
elbow joint space
proximal radius/ulna
Anatomy demonstrated: LAT elbow
superimposition of epicondyles
radial head and neck partially superimposed
radial tuberosity
what view frees the olecranon of superimposition?
what view separates the radial head/neck from the ulna?
where is radial tuberosity located?
What articulates with the ulna laterally?
Where is the radial notch located?
(proximal radioulnar)
articulates with radial tubercle/tuberosity
Where is the ulna notch located?
(distal radioulnar)
articulates with ulna
1st Coyle view- radial head
CR angled 45 degrees toward shoulder
elbow flexed 90 degrees
hand pronated
mid elbow joint
2nd Coyle view
CR angled 45 from shoulder
elbow flexed 80 degrees
hand pronated
mid elbow joint
alternate Partial flexion elbow
2 projections to replace AP elbow (can’t extend)
forearm parallel- mid elbow joint
humerus parallel- mid elbow joint
Scaphoid view
CR 15 degrees toward the shoulder
ulnar deviation
CR at scaphoid
Gaynor hart view
CR 25 to 30 degrees long axis of hand
1 inch below 3rd MCP (AKA center of palm)
Ball catcher view
both hands
CR at 5th MCP (AP)
Roberts view
15 degrees proximally (toward wrist)
first CMC joint
rule out bennets fx
IR size for wrist
8 x 10 inches / portrait
50 kvp
IR dimensions for digit
8 x 10 inches / portait
50 kvp
IR dimensions for hand
10 x 12 inches/ portrait
50 kvp
IR dimensions for elbow
10 x 12 inches / portrait
70 kvp
IR dimensions for forearm
11 x 14 inches smaller patients
14 x 17 inches normal patients / portrait
60 kvp
Lunate articulates medially with what carpal?
This projection best demonstrates the phalanges in a lateral position?
Fan Lateral
When performing a Coyle method, either the radial head or the coronoid process are the ROI (reason of interest). This is the CR for Radial head?
45 degrees towards the shoulder.
The upper extremity is what part of the skeleton?
Appendicular skeleton
What’s another name for the ellipsoidal joint?
This anatomy is considered distal to the scaphoid?
This projection will separate the radial neck, radial head, and tuberosity from superimposition?
The External oblique
What is the hereditary condition for dense bone?
Anatomical neck of the humerus separates this anatomy?
Humeral head and tubercles
The lateral elbow projection best demonstrates this anatomy free of superimposition?
Olecranon process
The hook of the hamate and the pisiform best demonstrated in this projection?
Carpal tunnel view/ Gaynor hart
PIP is what type of joint?
Hinge or ginglymus
AP elbow the humeral epicondyles should be what to the IR?
Located on distal, lateral end of the humerus?
The metacarpals distal articulation is with this/these?
Proximal phalanges
Fracture of forearm causing posterior radial displacement is called this?
Colles fracture
Ulnar deviation best demonstrates this anatomy?
Where are the condyles located?
Trochlear notch is on this anatomy?
The ___ is the CR for the 3rd digit on an oblique projection?
CR for most hand projections?
The third MCP
This joint is considered freely moveable?
*On the AP forearm projection, radius and ulna proximal crossover is prevented by doing this?
Supination of the hand
How do you get the humeral epicondyles perpendicular to the IR?