Upper Limb Orthopaedics Flashcards
Cubital tunnel syndrome results in compression of which nerve?
Ulnar nerve
Lateral epicondylitis is also known as what?
Tennis elbow
What investigation can be used to confirm a diagnosis of an upper limb compressive neuropathy, i.e. carpal or cubital tunnel syndrome?
Nerve conduction studies
Weakness in initiation of abduction suggests a rotator cuff tear has affected which muscle?
Most cases of a rotator cuff tear will settle without surgery over what time period?
1-2 years
Tinel’s test can be used to identify carpal tunnel- what is done in this test?
Percussion over the median nerve
The elbow joint is most likely to be affected by which type of arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis
DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis is a painful condition which affects the extensor tendons, as they run through a tunnel on which side of the wrist?
Radial side
What is the mainstay of treatment for both medial and lateral epicondylitis?
Rest, analgesia and physiotherapy
How is DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis treated?
NSAIDs, splinting and rest
Hyperextension at the PIP joint with flexion at the DIP joint describes what abnormality of the hands?
Swan neck deformity
Where are ganglion cysts most likely to be found?
At the DIPs and the wrist
Biceps tendonitis causes anterior shoulder pain which will be exacerbated by which movements?
Flexion of the elbow and shoulder, and pronation of the forearm
Osteoarthritis of the glenohumeral joint can cause pain, crepitus and loss of movement. What is often the first movement to be lost?
External rotation
How does acute calcific tendonitis present?
Acute onset of severe shoulder pain
What is the main anatomical structure that is affected in trigger finger?
A1 pulley
Pain from impingement syndrome can be recreated using what clinical test?
Hawkin’s-Kennedy test (internally rotating a flexed shoulder)
An important test for DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis is Fincklestein’s test- describe what happens here?
Ask the patient to make a fist and the examiner presses down on the base of the thumb- this should elicit pain
Acute calcific tendonitis involves calcium deposition where?
In the supraspinatous tendon
A ‘Popeye deformity’ of the upper limb is a sign of what pathology?
Biceps tendon rupture
The tendon of which rotator cuff muscle is most likely to be compressed in impingement syndrome?
Clinical features of lateral epicondylitis include pain and tenderness over the lateral epicondyle- the pain is often worse on what movement?
Resisted middle finger and wrist extension
How are giant cell tumours of the tendon sheath treated?
Surgical excision
Phalen’s test can be used to identify carpal tunnel- what is done in this test?
Hyperflexion of the wrist