Upper Limb Flashcards
Overview of the shoulder joint
High mobility
Limited stability
What are the bones of the shoulder joint?
-Scapula (Acromion)
=Both together= Pectoral girdle
=Joins axial to appendicular skeleton
-Humerus (proximal)
What are the ligaments of the shoulder joint?
-Coraco-acromial ligament
-Capsule and Glenohumeral ligaments
-(Long head of biceps brachii= muscle)
=Multi-axial synovial ball and socket joint
=Articulation between head of humerus and glenoid fossa
What are the roles of the superficial muscles?
- Produce varied movements of scapula/ shoulder
- Multi-fibred/ multi-directional muscles
- Muscles most important at shoulder joint
What are the anterior superficial muscles of the shoulder?
=anterior- flexion and medial rotation of humerus
=Posterior= extension
=Middle= abduction of humerus
= Insertion= Deltoid tuberosity
=Innervation= Axillary nerve (branch of brachial plexus)
-Pectoralis major
=Large fan shaped muscle on anterior chest wall
=Flexion, adduction of humerus, internal/medial rotation
=Origin= clavicle and sternum
=Insertion= intertubercular sulcus
=Innervation= medial and lateral pectoral
What are the posterior superficial muscles of the shoulder?
-Trapezius: superior, middle, inferior
=Large, superficial muscle of back
=Elevation (superior), depression (inferior), rotation and retraction (middle)
=Origin= occipital bone (C7-T12 vertebrae)
=Insertion= Lateral 1/3 clavicle, scapula
=Innervation= Accessory nerve
-Deltoid: middle, posterior
-Latissimus dorsi
Describe the Rotator Cuff
-4 Scapular muscles
-Stabilise and rotate shoulder
=Subscapularis- medial rotation, subscapular fossa
=Teres Major- lateral rotation
=Supraspinatus- abduction
=Infraspinatus- lateral rotation
=Teres Minor, Major
All attach to greater tubercle except subscapularis (lesser)
Overview of Elbow joint
-Hinge =Flexion =Extension -Pronation and supranational at radial ulnar joint -High stability -Limited mobility
What are the features of the elbow joint?
- Fibrous capsule- membrane thickened on medial and lateral aspects to form collateral ligaments
- Lateral (radial) collateral ligament= strong supporting, blend with annular
- Annular ligament= helps maintain contact of radial head with radial notch and capitulum during pronation and supination (envelopes head of radius)
- Medial (ulnar) collateral ligament= supplies stability
- Interosseous membrane
- Trochlear notch
What are the movement features of the anterior upper limb?
- Anterior arm
- Anterior forearm
- Medial epicondyle (CFO)
What are the movement features of the posterior upper limb?
- Posterior arm
- Posterior forearm
- Lateral epicondyle (CEO)
What are the anterior muscles of the arm?
-Biceps brachii
=Long head- under transverse humeral ligament to intertubercular sulcus to joint space to glenoid labrum
=Short head- medial aspect, coracoid process
=flexion and supination
-Brachialis- distal end, powerful flexor
-Coracobrachialis (deep to short head biceps brachii)
All innervated by musculocutaneous nerve, plus brachialis innervation of radial nerve
What are the posterior muscles of the arm?
-Triceps brachii =Long Head- infer glenoid ligament, extensor =Medial Head =Lateral Head Innervated by radial nerve Extension
What are the muscles of the forearm?
- Brachiordialis= flexion and mid-pronation of forearm (posterior), radial nerve
- Pronator trees
- Pronator quadratus
- Supinator
Describe the Brachial plexus
- Complex nerve bundle innervating upper limb
- Arises from anterior rami of spinal nerves C5-T1, somatic (sensory motor innervation)
- Arranged around axillary artery
- 5 roots (C5-T1)
- 3 trunks
- 6 divisions
- 3 cords
- 5 named nerves/ branches
Describe the roots of the Brachial Plexus
Top two will merge (C5 and C6)
Middle C7
Bottom two merge (C8 and T1)
Describe the trunks of the Brachial Plexus
Top two roots merge to form superior/upper trunk
C7 root= middle trunk
Bottom two roots merge to form inferior/ lower trunk
So 3 trunks
Describe the divisions of the Brachial Plexus
Each trunk divides into 2 (posterior and anterior divisions)
Describe the cords of the Brachial Plexus
Organised around axillary artery
- 2 anterior cords= lateral and medial
- Posterior cord (behind axillary artery)
What are the named nerve branches?
- Musculocutaneous nerve (lateralcord)
- Axillary nerve (posterior)
- Median nerve (lateral and median)
- Ulnar nerve (medial)
- Radial nerve (posterior)
Describe the blood supply to the upper limb
- Subclavian artery (arises at bifurcation of innominate artery on RHS/ arch of aorta on LHS, divided into 3 parts by anterior scalene muscle)
- Axillary artery (from lateral border of 1st rib to inferior border of teres major, divided into 3 parts by pectoralis minor muscle)
- Brachial artery (closely related to median nerve, bifurcates into radial and ulnar around neck of radius with variation)
- Radial artery (runs through anatomical snuffbox= structure formed by three tendons, primarily contributes to deep palmar arch)
- Ulnar artery (larger than radial, primarily contributes to superficial palmar arch)
- Palmer arches
Describe the superficial drainage of the upper limb
- Axillary vein
- Cephalic vein= drains lateral side of forearm to axillary vein via medial cubital vein
- Basilic vein= drains medial side of forearm to axillary vein
- Median cubital vein
- Superficial veins drain into a dorsal venous network on back of hand
Describe the deep drainage of the upper limb
- Subclavian vein
- Brachial vein
- Radial and ulnar veins
What is the Carpal Tunnel?
Passage of tendons into hand/ Osseo-fibrous tunnel Deep to transverse carpal ligament 9 tendons: -Flexor digitorium superficialis x4 -Flexor digitorium profundus x4 -Flexor pollicis longus x1 Median nerve runs through Ulnar NVM runs outwith tunnel =Floor= carpal arch =Roof= Flexor reticulum -Paraesthesia, hypoesthesia, anaesthesia in lateral three and a half digits
What are the ligaments associated with the carpal tunnel?
- Palmar carpal ligament
- Transverse carpal ligament
What are the main supporting ligaments of the glenohumeral joint?
-Glenohumeral ligaments (anterior superior plane, attach to lesser tubercle) =Superior, Middle, Inferior -Coracohumeral ligament (Coracoid process to Greater Tubercle) -Transverse humeral ligament (Between tubercles) -Coracoacromial ligament 9superior aspect of joint vault) (Loose membrane for abduction)
Describe the Glenoid Labrum
-Glenoid ligament
-Intra-capsular structure, fibrocartilaginous ring that lines margin of glenoid cavity
(thin, small, triangular)
-Improves joint fit
-The superior aspect of the glenoid labrum continuous with long head of biceps brachii
Describe how pronation and supination occurs at the radio- ulnar joint
-Occurs at proximal and distal radio-ulnar joints (around head of radius)
=Biceps brachii (cross over cubital fossa and attach onto radial tuberosity)
=Supinator (lateral, arises from lateral epicondyle, and supinator crest, inserts onto lateral proximal radial shaft)
=Pronator teres (head of ulna and distal humerus, crosses forearm anteriorly and laterally, to mid shaft of radius- superficial)
=Pronator quadratus (deep muscle of forearm, spans distal end of ulnar and radius
Describe the compartments of the forearm
-Flexors= common origin (Medial epicondyle)
-Extrinsic hand muscles
-Primary nerve supply= Median
-Movements of wrist, flexion of fingers, pronation
-Extensors= common origin (Lateral epicondyle)
-Nerve supply= Radial
What are the layers of the anterior compartment of the forearm?
- Superficial= 4 muscles
- Intermediate= 1 muscle
- Deep layer= 3 muscles
Describe the Musculocutaneous nerve
anterior compartment of arm
- Large terminal branch of lateral cord
- Anterior branch
- Motor and sensory
- Pierces coracobrachialis
- Passes between biceps and brachialis
- Innervates all 3 (BBC) (motor aspect)
- Terminates as the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm
Describe the median nerve
Most of anterior forearm
- Large nerve derived of anterior cords
- M shape in axillary space as lateral and medial branches
- Enter cubital fossa
- Primary innovator of flexor compartment of forearm
- Passes through carpal tunnel
- Wide motor and sensory distribution within the hand
Describe the Ulnar nerve
Most of hand
- Derived primarily from medial cord
- Courses medially within the arm and forearm
- Passes posterior to medial epicondyle
- Innervates 1.5 muscles within forearm
- Primary innervator within hand
Describe the Axillary nerve
Shoulder region (deltoid)
- A branch of the posterior cord
- Passes through quadrangular space (bound by teres minor, major and humerus and triceps brachii)
- Innervates deltoid and teres minor muscles
- Provides sensory innervation to patch on lateral arm= Sergeants Patch
- Anterior dislocation of GHJ risks damage to axillary nerve
Describe the Radial nerve
Posterior compartment of arm and forearm
- Largest nerve of Brachial Plexus
- Arises as the terminal branch of posterior cord
- Runs within the spiral groove of the arm beneath deltoid tuberosity
- Posterior to anterior, divide into superficial and deep branch
- Provides motor and sensory innervation to all posterior compartments of upper limb
- Sensory to hand
- Mid shaft fractures of humerus risk damage
What are the compartment actions at the wrist and what are they innervated by?
Anterior= flexion= median nerve (ulnar nerve to 2 muscles closely associated with ulna) Posterior= extension= radial nerve