Upper limb Flashcards
Muscle attachments clavicle
med 1/3 - ant sup - SCM, ant inf - pec major
mid 1/3 - inf - subclavius
last 1/3 - ant - deltoid, post - trap
Surface markings scapula
ribs 2-7
Scapula movements
elevation - trap
depression - gravity
protraction - serratus anterior
retraction - trap
upward rotation - trap + serratus ant
Downward rotation - lat dorsi
Structure surgical neck humerus
axillary nerve and circumflex humeral vessels
Structures shaft humerus
radial nerve and profunda brachii artery in radial/ spiral groove
Pectoral fascia
from sternum and clavicle to axillary fascia lat and ant abdominal wall inf
invests pec major
Clavipectoral fascia
Deep to pectoral
Invests pec minor and subclavius
costocoracoid membrane between the muscles
suspensory ligament inf
Deltoid fascia
from clavicle, acromium and scapular spine
to pectoral fascia and infraspinous
Cephalic vein
deltopectoral groove
clavipectoral triangle
pierces costocoracoid membrane and clavipectoral fascia and enters axillary
Basilic vein
pierces deep to brachial fascia 1/3 way up arm
parallel and sup to brachial artery and medial cutaneous nerve
Shoulder myotomes
C5 - flexion, lat rotation and abduction
C6-8 - extension, int rotation and adduction
Elbow myotomes
C5-6 flexion
C7 (+-6) extension
C6 supination
C7-8 pronation
Wrist myotomes
C6/7 flexion and extension
Hand myotomes
C7/8 flexion and extension
T1 Finger ab/adduction
Musculocutaneous nerve
lateral cord
sensory - lat cut nerve forearm
Motor - BBC, flexion shoulder + elbow + supination
Axillary nerve
posterior cord
sensory - sup lat cutaneous of arm
Motor - deltoid (ant terminal branch), teres minor (post terminal branch)
Radial nerve
Posterior cord
sens - post cut arm, inf lat cut arm, post cut forearm, superficial/ terminal radial
Motor - extensor compartment forearm + triceps
brachioradialis and extensor carpi longus
Deep terminal branch supplies all other post forearm
Median nerve
Medial + lateral cord
sens - palmar cutaneous (not though carpal tunnel), and digital cutaneous
Motor - flexors except flexor carpi ulnaris and ulnar half flexor digitorum profundus
LOAF: thenar muscles (recurrent branch) + lat 2 lumbricals (palmar digital)
Ulnar nerve
Medial cord
Sens - palmar cutaneous, dorsal cutaneous, superficial (arises in hand)
Motor - Intrinsic hand (except lat 2 lumbricals) (deep branch), flexor carpi ulnaris and ulnar half flexor digitorum profundus (muscular branch)
Pec major
clavicular C56 and sternocostal C78T1 heads to lateral lip intertubercular sulcus humerus
Lat+med pectoral nerves
Adduct + med rot humerus
clavic - flex humerus
Sterno - extends from flexed position
Pec minor
ribs 3-5 to coracoid process
med pectoral nerve C8/T1
stabilises scapula
junction 1st rib and costal cartilage to int surface middle 1/3 clavicle
nerve to subclavis C56 (sup trunk)
Serratus anterior
ribs 1-8 to ant border med scapula
Long thoracic
Protracts and rots scapula
Trapezius innervation
XI + C3/4 for proprioception +pain
Lat dorsi
From: spin process T6-12, thoracolumbar fascia, inf 3-4 ribs, iliac crest
To: floor intertubercular sulcus humerus
Thoracodorsal nerve C678 post cord
extends, adducts and int rotates humerus
Levator scapulae (deep)
Post tubercles C1-4 to med border scapula sup to root spine
dorsal scapular C45 +cervical nerves C34
minor - nuchal lig + spinois C7-T1 to med scap spine
major - T2-5 to medial scap inf to spine
Dorsal scpular nerve C45 (roots)
retracts scapula
from lat 1/3 clavicle, acromium and spine scapula to deltoid tuberosity humerus
Axillary c5/6
clav - flex + med rotate
Acrom - abduct
scap - ext and lat rotate
Teres major
post surface inf angle scapula to medial lip intertubercular sulcus
lower subscapular nerve (post cord) C56
Med rot and adducts
Axillary artery branches
1st (1st rib to sup pec minor) - sup thoracic
2nd (post pec minor) - thoracoacromial + lateral thoracic
3rd (inf pec to inf teres major) - subscapular, post and ant circumflex humeral
Axillary vein
formed by basilic and brachial at inf border teres major
Names like arteries excepr thoracoacromial sometimes goes cephalic
receives thoracoepigastric + cephalic
Ant med / inf to axillary artery
Axillary lymph nodes
pectoral (ant), subscapular (post) and humeral (lat) drain to central, then apical, then supraclavicular and subclavian trunk
Pectoral lymph node
Ant axillary
Medial wall axilla along lat thoracic artery and vein
Inf border pec minor
receives from breast and anterior thoracic wall
Subscapular lymph nodes
posterior axillary
by subscapular blood vessels
receives post thoracic wall and scapula
Humeral lymph nodes
lateral axillary
Medial and posterior to axillary vein
Drains most upper limb
Except cephalic - apical axillary and infraclavic
Central axillary lymph nodes
deep to pec minor by 2nd part axillary artery
Apical axillary lymph nodes
1st part axillary artery, medical to axillary vein
Shoulder girdle
Bones: clavicle and scapula
Articulations: sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular
rhomboids - elevation and downward rotation
Serratus anterior - depression and upward rotation, protraction
Biceps brachii
short head - coracoid
Long head - supraglenoid tubercle
Tendon of long head through bicipital groove
To: tuberosity radius and fascia forearm (bicipital aponeurosis)
from dist ant humerus to coronoid + tuberosity of ulna
long - infraglenoid
lat (strongest) - post humerus
med - post humerus
To - prox olecranon + fascia forearm
lat humeral epicondyle to lat olecranon
helps extension and stabilises elbow
to mid 1/3 med humerus
pierced by musculocutaneous
median nerve and brachial artery run deep
Branches brachial artery
Profunda brachii
Sup ulnar collateral
Inf ulnar collateral
Brachial goes with median nerve, which crosses it and becomes medial by ACF
Cubital fossa
Med - pronator teres
Lat - brachioradialis
Floor - brachialis and supinator
Contents - brachial artery -> ulnar + radial + veins
Biceps tendon
Radial nerve
Median nerve
med NVA (biceps tendon) N lat
Superficial flexors forearm
Flexor carpi ulnaris (innervated ulnar)
Palmaris longus
Flexor carpi radialis
Pronator teres
attached to medial epicondyle by common flexor tendon
Intermediate and deep flexor compartment
Int - flexor digitorum superficialis
Deep (all ant IO) - flexor digitorum profundus (+ ulnar), flexor pollicis longus, pronator quadratus
Palmaris longus tendon relations
deep and medial to median nerve at wrist
Flexor carpi ulnaris relations
ulnar nerve between two proximal heads
ulnar nerve and artery lateral to tendon at wrist
Flexor carpi radialis relations
radial artery and nerve lateral at wrist
Extensor tendon lateral epicondyle
extensor carpi radialis brevis
extensor carpi ulnaris
extensor digitorum
extensor digiti minimi
arterial supply ulnar / rad based on name
Superior extensor compartment forearm
Brachioradialis - rad
ECR longus - rad
ECR brevis - deep
Extensor digitorum - deep
Extensor digiti minimi - deep
Extensor carpi ulnaris - deep
Deep extensors of forearm
Supinator (deep)
Abductor pollicis longus (post IO)
Extensor pollicis longus (post IO)
Extensor pollicis brevis (post IO)
Extensor indicis (post IO)
(thumb sandwich)
Anatomical snuffbox
Ulnar side - extensor pollicis longus
Radial side - extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus
Radial artery, radial nerve, cephalic vein
Floor - scaphoid and trapezium
prox - rad styloid
dist - 1st metacarp
Ulnar artery depth forearm
Deep to superficial and intermediate flexors
Superficial to flexor retinaculum
Ulnar recurrent artery
Supplies brachialis and pronator teres
Anastomoses inf ulnar collateral
Common interosseous artery
branch of ulnar
Post IO artery
from ulnar
supplies superfical and deep extensor muscles
Ant IO artery
from ulnar
Joins dorsal carpal arch
Radial artery
deep to brachioradialis
Lateral to tendon FCR
Through anatomical snuff box and pierces 1st dorsal interosseous
Radial recurrent artery
supplies elbow joint
Goes between brachialis and brachioradialis which it supplies
anastomoses radial collateral artery from profunda brachii
Quadrangular space
humerus, teres minor and major, long head triceps
axillary nerve and posterior circumflex humeral artery
Triangular space
sup teres minor, lat long triceps, inf teres major
circumflex scapular art and vein
Triangular interval
sup teres major, lat lat head triceps, med long head triceps
Radial nerve and profunda brachii art and vein
Structures passing clavipectoral fascia
CALL: Cephalic vein A -thoracoAcrominal artery Lymphatics Lateral pectoral nerve.
Contents hypothenar compartment
abductor digiti minimi
flexor digiti minimi brevis
oponens digiti minimi
Contents thenar compartment
Openens pollicis
Abductor pollicis brevis
flexor pollicis brevis
Contents central compartment hand
superficial palmar arch
digital vessels and nerves
Contents adductor compartment hand
Adductor pollicis
Innervation intrinsic thenar muscles
Recurrent medial
Opponens, abductor brevis, sup FPB
Deep ulna
deep FPB
Adductor policis
prox - 1+2 unipenate from lat 2 tendons FDP
3+4 (med) bipenate from FDP 3 med tendons
Dist - lat extensor expansion middle phalynx
Flex MCP, extend IPJ
Doral interrossei
prox - adjacent 2 metacarpals
dist - base prox phalynx extensor expansion
Palmar interrosei
prox palmar 2,4,5 metacarpals
dist - prox phalynx extensor expansion 2,4,5
Contents carpal tunnel
4x FDP
4x FDL
1x FPL (own tendon sheath, others share)
Median nerve
Median hand branches
recurrent MOTOR - thenar muscles
lat MIXED - 1st lumb
Med MIXED - 2nd lumb
Palm cut SENS - not through CT
Ulnar hand branches
palmar cut - SENS
Dorsal branch - SENS
Superficial MIXED - finegr tips + palmaris brevis
Deep MOTOR - hypothenar and most intrinsic
Hypothenar muscles
Opponens digiti minimi
Abductor digiti minimi
Flexor digiti minimi
Innervated deep ulnar
Superficial and deep palmar arch
Sup from ulnar - deep to palmar aponeurosis, sup to flexors
Deep from rad - deep to long flexors, in contact metacarpals
Guyons/ ulnar canal
med - pisiform, FCU tendon, abd digiti minimi
lat - hook of hamate
roof - palmar carpal lif
floor - flexor retinaculum, pisohamate lig, hypothenar muscles
contents - ulnar nerve, ulnar art and veins, lymph
Extensor expansion insertions
central slip - base midle phalynx
lateral bands - base distal phalynx
blood - int thoracic, suprascap
Nerve - supraclavic, subclavian
blood - suprascap, thoracoacromial
nerve - lat pectoral, axillary
Apertures glenohumeral joint
between tubercles
between joint and subtendinous bursa subscapularis
Ligaments glenohumeral
glenohumeral: sup, med, inf (inf stab)
coracohumeral - sup stab
coracoacromial - sup stab
transverse humeral
Glenohumeral joint
Ball and socket
blood - A+P circumflex, suprascapular
Nerve - axillary, suprascapular, latera pectoral
Elbow joint
Hinge joint
blood - radial + ulna + collaterals
Nerve - MSC, radial, ulnar
Elbow ligaments
radial - lat epicondyle to annular lig
med x3 - med epi to olecranon and coronoid process
ant band strongest
post band fan like weakest
obliquie band - deepens socket for trochlea
Proximal radioulnar joint
blood - radial periarticular anastamoses
nerve - MSC, median, radial
Distal radioulnar joint
blood + nerve - A+P IO
ulna + radius + articular disc
A+P ligaments
Wrist joint
blood - dorsal and palmar arches
nerve - A+P IO and deep and dorsal ulnar
Scaphoid, lunate and triquetrial
Intercarpal joints
midcarpal and pisotriquetral
same blood + innervation wrist
plane except thumb - condyoid
movement good thumb, minimal 2+3, more 4+5
IPJ joint types
MCPJ condyloid
IPJ hinge
Thenar musculature
opponens pollicis, flexor pollicis brevis, and abductor pollicis brevis (LOAF muscles - median)
forearm muscles supplied by radial nerve proper
Pronation and supination
pronation C78
Supination C6
Anterior axillary lymph node location
Inferior to pec minor
Posterior axillary lymph node location
by subscapular vessels
Lateral axillary lymph node location
axillary artery
Bone attaching extensor and flexor retinaclum
Deepest structure mid forearm
Attachments extensor retinaculum
radius to triquetrium and pisiform
Main stabiliser SCJ
costoclavicular ligament
ossification centres scapula
Main function median thumb
Innervation sternoclavicular joint
Innervation ACJ
lateral pectoral, axillary and supra clavicular
Largest branch brachial artery
Profunda brachii
Strongest muscle forearm
Part of triceps affected in mid shaft radius fracture
Ligament for anterior stability shoulder joint
Ligaments for superior stability glenohumeral joint
Coracohumeral and coracoacromial
Structures piercing medial intermuscular septum
Ulna nerve
Superior ulnar collateral artery
Fulcrum of movement at costo clavicular joint
Costoclavicular ligament
Unipennate muscles forearm
Extensor digitorum
Flexor pollicis longus
Blood supply pec major
Pectoral branch thoracoacromial artery
Deepest muscular plane palm
Adductor compartment
Axillary sheath extension of
Cervical fascia
Nerve supply to skin axilla
Intercostobrachial nerve
T2 second intercostal nerve
OK sign muscles and innervation
anterior IO
Radioulnar joint types
Pivot joints
(Like atlantoaxial)