Neck Flashcards
Innervation intrinsic muscles larynx
All recurrent laryngeal inferior branch except cricothyroid which is external branch superior laryngeal
inf recurrent laryngeal - infraglottic sensation
int superior - supraglottic sensation
Digastric inervation
Post - facial
Ant - nerve mylohyoid (v3 inf alveolar branch)
Parotid lymph drainage
To deep cervical
EJV tributaries
Posterior auricular and retromandibular
Prevertebral fascia
cranial base to endothoracic fascia, axillary sheath an at longitudinal lig T3 (end longus colli)
cervical sympathetic trunks ant to prevertebral, post to carotid sheath
lesser supraclavicular fossa
between two heads SCM
contains distal IJV
Occipital triangle
trap, scm, omohyoid
XI goes through
Subclavian/ supraclavic triangle
omo, clavicle, scm
brachial plexus, subclavian artery, in EJV
Submandibular triangle
digastric + mandible
XII + V3 + submandibular gland
Submental triangle
anterior belly digastric and hyoid
anterior jugular vein and lymph nodes
Carotid triangle
post digastric, scm, ant omohyoid
carotid common + split
Carotid sinus and body
Muscular triangle
Hyoid, ant omohyoid, SCM
infrahyoid muscles, thyroid and parathyroid
Suprahyiod muscles
mylohyoid (V3)
digastric (VII, V3) both speaking and swallowing
Infrahyoid muscles
Sternohyoi, omohyoid - C1-3 ansa cervicalis
Sternothyroid, thyrohyoid
Anterior cervical region nerves + lat cervical nerves
ant - V3, 9, 10, 12
lat, 11
Pre vertebral muscles
All flex head, medial to neurovasc plane
longus colli - also torsion
longus capitus
rectus capitus ant
anterior scalene
lateral vertebral muscles
pst to neurvasc plane, floor of lat cervical region
middle and post scalene
rectus capitis laetralis
splenius capitis
levator scapulae
Root of neck
Arteries - subclavian + vit C, common carotid, brachiocephalic on right
Veins - IJV, EJV, SC, brachicephalic
Nerves - phrenic, vagus, sympathetic chain
Thyroid blood supply
Ant + sup = superior thyroid from ext carotid
inf + post + para = inf from thyrocervical trunk
Venous- sup + mid go IJV, inf goe brachiocephalic
Larynx cartilages
3 unpaired - thyroid, cricoid, epiglottis
3 paired - arytenoid, cuneiform, corniculate
Muscles intrinsic larynx
all help close glotis except posterior cricoarytenoid
cricothyroid - stretches and tenses vocal lig, increased pitch
thyroarytenoid - relaxes lowering pitch
lat cricoarytenoid + tansverse and oblique arytenoid - ADDuct causing whisper
posterior cricoarytenoid - ABduct - louder
vocalis muscle - within folds
Ext Pharyngeal muscle innervation
all pharyngeal plexus and pharyngeal branch X
med and inf also ext and recurrent laryngeal
Int pharyngeal muscles
elevate larynx and shorten pharynx
all X except stylopharyngeus - IX
Route IX
enters pharynx between superior and midle pharyngeal constrictor muscles
Route tonsillar branch facial artery
through superior constrictor
Level cricoid cartilage
roots cervical plexus
insertion anterior scalene
anterior tubercles of cervical vertebrae 3 to 6 to 1st rib
Innervation thyroid
middle cervical ganglion
Pharyngeal sensory innervation
nasopharynx maxillary nerve (CN V2)
oropharynx glossopharyngeal (CN IX),
hypopharynx by internal and recurrent laryngeal nerves (from the vagus—CN X).
Vagus innervates (motor)
constrictor muscles of the pharynx via the pharyngeal nerve (except stylopharyngeus—CN IX) and the muscles of the palate (except the tensor palatini—CN V3
Random nerves at top of carotid sheath
Contains ansa cervicalis
Does not contain sympathetic chain